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Full Name: Chara Abbott (Human name)

Blood Type: AB+


Background: A shapeshifter that has come down to earth on a mission to stay hidden in order to study the human race

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Background: A shapeshifter that has come down to earth on a mission to stay hidden in order to study the human race. They regret every moment of it.

Family: None.

Gender: Fluid.

Sexual preference: Girl. Female. Women. Lady. PU—

Powers: Shapeshifting into only adult humans. Technology can still see through their disguise, though it needs to be more new and advanced so something like the technology was in the early 2000s can only, ever so lightly, see through their disguise.

Accomplishments: Infiltrate into the human race and learn about their surroundings. Got a girlfriend out it.

Likes: Their girlfriend, Bumblebee, and candy floss.

Dislikes: Autobots, Decepticons, humans except their girlfriend, Optimus Prime, Megatron, onions, and green beans for some reason.

World they're apart of: Transformers/Bayformers

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