Ch. 1: Arrival

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A/N: Hey readers! Thankyou for tuning in for the first chapter. Just to let y'all know, this first chapter will be diving into our main character's personal life and detailing WWE's PC, which some, if not many of you already know about, but it'll all be good for the story. It may be a bit of a slow burn but I hope it starts this off well.

Alright, enough of me. Have a good read everyone!

Racheal Purees got the last of her bags packed after having already gotten most of her belongings boxed up and either out or stored the way she wanted. Many of her stuff was already out of the house, but she wouldn't be able to take it all at once sadly. She could only make do with what she had for now and wait for the rest. The surveillance cameras in her room had already been checked and rechecked, so she was confident that her belongings would be safe until able to bring them as well. She quickly ensured they were on and active before grabbing her bags and heading out. She locked her door behind her and walked downstairs to see Police Sergeant Edward Jackman reminding her parents of the consequences that would follow if any of her stuff was taken. After all, sadly, there have been moments in the past when her stuff was taken and sold, usually by her brothers; but sometimes, her mother has given her stuff away for a number of stupid reasons. Their attention was stolen by the sounds of her bags rolling and dragging down the steps. Her mother's already terrible mood worsened upon seeing her daughter with her bags packed and ready.

"Everything's good upstairs, Sarge" Racheal said in her sweet, but messy, accent and voice as she handed her room key to the Police Sergeant.

Edward Jackman was a six foot tall, bald and well built gentleman dressed in uniform as a way of looking professional and in no mood for nonsense.

"Well, this is it" Racheal sighed as she turned to her parents.

Her father just kept silent, knowing he couldn't say much, if anything, for this matter, while her mother responded.

"I still don't see why you have to travel all the way down there for some weird schooling and work nonsense"

Racheal rolled her eyes.

"I told you, it's a special elite job and school for a selected few"

That was the story she came up with, which was true in a way, just left out the bits they didn't need to know.

"But you won't say what it is?" Her mother asked.

Racheal's silence was a way of saying, "My business, not yours"

"What makes you think you'll even make it there?"

This is one of the many moments when the young girl wanted to slap her mother hard, but that would be beneath her. Doesn't mean she can't still hold her ground.

"I don't know, mum, I guess I'll just hafta find out for myself"

Before things could escalate, they heard the doorbell ring.

"It's time to go. Goodbye guys"

That was all that was said before Racheal carried her bags, with assistance from the Sarge, to the front door. Her parents could only watch nonchalantly as their daughter left them behind to move on with her life. Sergeant Jackman opened the door for her and they were met with her good best friend, Sam.

"Hey, Rach!" He cheered excitedly.

"Hey, Sam" she almost giggled.

"Sergeant" she nodded to the officer.

"How's it going, kid?" He nodded.

"You ready?" He turned back to his bestie.

"You already know it" Racheal grinned; but before they could leave, one of her brothers unexpectedly came up beside her.

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