Ch. 7: Final Preparations

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(A/N: Hey readers! Okay so... turns out her debut won't be in this chapter as all the extra stuff me and the lady discussed took up a LOT more than we predicted, but I'll get to work on that part right after this and in the meantime, another LONG chapter lies ahead lol hopefully not too long and that everyone enjoys.)

Later in the week, Racheal and Sam flew back up to New York with some of the others to finally retrieve the remainder of their things. When they landed, Sargent Edward Jackman was there at the welcoming gate. The two home talents smiled as they finally got to reunite with their old friend. They each rushed into a hug with the police Sargent as he shared their joy.

"Welcome home, you two" he happily said with the hugs.

"Thanks, it's so great to see you again" Racheal replied. "Oh, and we have some people we want you to meet" she gestured to Timothy, Tommaso, Ember, Crystal, and Benjamin.

She introduced him to everyone and reintroduced him to Ben, who had met him a few times before during his time in New York.

"Man, you have grown the past few years" the Sarge complimented.

"Better believe it" Sam smiled back.

"Well, it's great to have you all here; and I'd like to say I'm really astonished by everything you've done for these two" He gestured to Racheal and Sam, both smiling with gratitude. "It's especially great to have this many helping hands. I just hope you're all ready for the long drive back to Florida after this"

"You kidding?" Crystal asked. "Half our job is traveling everywhere" Everyone giggled from her remark.

"Well, in that case, let's get to it" he began leading the way as the others followed. "I checked the footage every day, and none of your stuff's been touched"

"Good, I guess you gave 'em a better scare than we thought" They both giggled.

"I also hope all your friends here are prepared for your family"

"I gave them all a fair warning before the flight; and you're still coming down with us, right?"

"Yes, and I've got all of next week off so I can see your first match"

"Great!" She grinned excitedly.

They drove up to the house of Racheal's family, a place she once called home but never truly felt like it was, where some of the Sargent's friends and colleagues were waiting. Racheal herself walked up to the front door with the courtesy to ring the doorbell. It wasn't easy for her to return here and face her family again, especially after all this time. Sure, it may seem like only a few months, but it's been an entire lifetime for her. Her friends were all behind her with all the support and additional courage they could give. She finally pushed the nob to sound the doorbell and soon afterward, her mother herself answered. She looked shocked for a moment, like she almost didn't recognize her own daughter. She sighed through the nose, staring at her daughter for a moment.

"Wasn't sure you would ever come back" was all she said.

Not exactly a wholesome mother and daughter reunion, but no different than what Racheal expected.

"Well, my stuff is still here, which I suppose I should thank you for not messing with"

It was then when her mother noticed the other people behind her; not just Sam and the Sarge, but the distinctive figures she's never seen before.

"Who are these people?" She asked with some concern.

Racheal glanced back with a smirk, her friends showing the same expressions.

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