Ch. 2: Mystery Guests

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The weeks and months that followed were nothing short of intense and challenging. The drills that Racheal, Sam, and the rest of the new recruits had to run through was pushing their bodies to limits they weren't even sure they had. To say they were whipping them into shape would be the understatement of the century. Some of the exercises almost seemed impossible at times. Of course, Matt Bloom said it himself they were going to have their asses handed to them and he was living up to his word.

The training was serving its purpose though. Every time Rach and Sam looked themselves in the mirror, they could easily tell the change in physique, muscles increasing in places they never thought possible. However, this also resulted in more than a few trips to the trainer's facility and massage rooms. Their bodies were truly being tested beyond what they expected and what they ever imagined they could endure. Every day when they returned to their rooms, they immediately collapsed on their beds like their lives depended on it. Racheal would always tell Sam how proud she was of her, given Sam was never the workout type while Rach had already done some training and fitness before this; just nothing on the level of what she was doing now that is.

They also had some insecurities regarding their time there. They were training with so many different athletes of different sorts when they barely had any athletic background at all. There were times when they didn't feel like they even belonged here and had no idea what they were doing. Luckily, as long as they had each other, they kept pushing themselves forward, neither wanting to see the other give in or accept defeat. After all, they made it through tryouts against other athletes just like these guys. Perhaps, they could make it through this as well. One thing was for sure, they wouldn't stop until they found out.

As of now, Racheal was in the Video Room with none other than Shawn Michaels, working on her promo skills while attempting to construct some in-ring characterization. It was proving to be challenging.

"I know cutting promos are a big part of doing this, I'm just not the best speaker; and to be honest, I'd prefer to make my statement inside the ring"

Shawn couldn't help but giggle a little from that statement, admiring the fact she prefers action over words as he stepped closer to her.

"I can respect that kid, and you don't need to be one of those big talker types; but there are going to be moments when you do need to use your words, give people a little more insight at the real you"

The concern and anxiety that weighed on her mind was evident on her features. Shawn had a few motivational tips for her.

"Hey, listen, you don't need to be the best promo cutter out there. Now, I know what you're thinking, 'Oh, that's easy for you to say Mr. Shawn Michaels'"

Racheal giggled lightly.

"But seriously, I've worked with plenty of athletes who were ok talkers, yet could kill it in the ring. Take Cesaro for example. His mic skills are... about average at best, but his in-ring ability is by far one of the best I've ever seen. So, like I said, you don't need to be the best talker out there. When you do speak, however, it's important you know what you're going for. Do you wanna be fierce and let your opponent know who runs the place? Or do you wanna speak from the heart and show your passion?"

That cut through deep for the superstar trainee, lifting her spirits up while granting her an idea of how to go at this.

"Whatever it is, you let the world know who you are and why you're here. Alright?"

She smirked in response.


"Alright, now..." Shawn walked back over behind the camera. "Have you had time to think about your in-ring name and character?"

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