21| V E N T-U N O

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Hours have passed and I'm still sitting in my office. Searching and thinking about who I should take with me. This is such an important decision to make, I have to think things through, I need to take someone I trust and know that will get things done they way they need to be.

I felt lost, I felt like I had just lost my path in my own yard. I couldn't find one person out of the millions I know to call for their help. I hated this feeling, I fucking hated not being able to help the ones I loved and cared about the most. The ones that would sacrifice themselves for me yet I can't find a way to save them. I hated not having solutions to my problems. I hated feeling helpless and not being able to offer help. I hated it all. Everything started irritating me at this point. The feeling of not being able to think straight woke a nerve inside me. And the more I thought about the situation definitely did not help that nerve. Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.

My mind kept reminding me that Emilion was severely injured and Dante had to take care of the girls and stay in the house. My mind couldn't go to anyone, I couldn't think of anyone I could ask to come with me and help Armando. My mind was stuck in between. I don't even know why, I just know that I couldn't think straight which rarely happened to me and when it decided to show up, it's now.

I had no time for this, I had no time at all. Armando could be in deep shit right now and I haven't made up a plan yet nor decided who I'm taking. I was growing worried, sick worried, until my mind went to someone. Someone I know that won't fail at anything, someone I know that won't step down from their decisions along with her unique ways.

I stood up from my seat and rushed out of my office, making my way towards her room down the hallways. I hesitantly raised my hand to knock, however I did it anyway, there was no time for second thoughts. I know she's the right one for this, only if she accepts.

I knocked on her door and waited impatiently. I didn't hear footsteps, although the door opened with Venom standing there, inside of her room. She was wearing black sweatpants and a white sports bra, leaving her hair in a messy bun. I'm glad she felt comfortable in her room.

I'm sure she was able to notice the worry in my eyes and stepped aside, giving me the space to come in, welcoming me into her room. I walked in, looking down on the floor then lifted my eyes up. I took a look around her room for a bit, and noticed a few changes she made. How did she change the color of the walls. I snapped out of it, following her as she sat down on the couch next to her TV and I took a seat while turning on my side and facing her.

"I need your help" God why am I so fucking nervous. I saw something twirl in her eyes for just one second. She gave me a quick nod before allowing me to start talking. "There is this really old friend of mine. His name is Armando DeVille. He's from Verona and he is one of the best men I know. We grew up together, with similar childhoods. We were really close until life brought both of us different paths and separated us. He had to leave for his own good, for the mafia and for the protection of his family. He was up to leaving everything behind and staying by my side to help me run the mafia. It's been one of our dreams since we were young to work together, although due to the threats his family received from the Russians, I let him go. We haven't been able to contact one another for the past six years. He had told me if he ever hits rock bottom and seriously needs help, he would call me. And I need to take someone with me" She just sat down still, staring at me with those hazel eyes. I couldn't look through them. I was never able to read her nor any of her facial expressions. She listened carefully to every word I said, giving me her full attention which was something I appreciated.

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