39| T R E N T A-N O V E

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"So that's it? She just left and never coming back?" Here was Armando with his annoying useless questions. "Obviously Alessandro doesn't know you idiot. If he did, you really think he would be telling us this" Emilion filled in my place and answered Aramado's question. It was weird seeing how he's the most angry and surprised one, I always knew he didn't really like her but sucked it up for my sake. There's something making him care so much about her leaving yet it wasn't clear why.

"We have nothing to do, I have nothing to do and you all have absolutely nothing to do. And yes if you're wondering, I have given up on her. You all will forget she ever existed and I don't want her name brought up in this house ever again" I demanded my last order with no hesitation before pushing the chair backwards, leaving the room shortly after.

My mind didn't think nor wonder around, it was a dead end. I didn't want to know or even think about what could possibly happened to her, what she's doing right now or how she's feeling after she left. But I knew an answer to one question, she felt nothing. If there's one person who didn't feel nor cared in this whole world it would be the deadly figure of Venom.

I couldn't bring myself to say her real name anymore, because the woman I layed next to and listened all night long to her beautiful voice describing the ups and downs of her life was no one near the person who left me all alone in that garage.

Deep down I knew they're the same person and I knew that whatever feelings I developed for her were for both of them because I can't just feel for a part of her, I felt for all of her.

She broke me way too many times that I don't want to count, she had even more chances yet it all ended the same way and it will stay that way. I tried to find her in my own path, only to find that we were on completely different paths. I was willing to give up a lifetime for her when she was preparing to leave.

Having to push all these feelings aside sure did build more frustration into my days and hours but I have nothing to do about it.

I figured that I can't just stop feeling for her and that it will require some time, if it ever stops.

I pushed the door open to my closet, I need to change since I'm going to a family dinner my mother kept asking me to attend. I don't like disappointing my mother, she always love when I stand by her side as she introduced me proudly to her friends and family members I never heard of.

Putting on the last touch before getting out of my room, it suddenly rushed through my head why my mother wanted me to dress so nicely and attend this dinner so badly. My whole family was in town and when I say my whole family, I mean hundreds of people. The ball is this weekend which caused the world's richest and most dangerous families in town. Mafias and empires from all around the world were here, breathing the same air as mine and million others.

Thinking further into this dinner, I figured Adriano is definitely showing up but when I thought of family from all around the world it meant my Mexican side of family is coming. If my great grandparents are coming to this dinner, they'll bring the Albirs.

The thought of them made my head shake, my grip tightened around my fist feeling the urge to smash Gerardo's head. If I see him tonight, I won't stand by and watch his filthy self laugh and enjoy his evening after what he had done to Akila.

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