4: Everything About Gamberetti

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Hayaa’s POV

All I know is that dad and Erain had a major fight that pissed him off greatly to the extent that he left right after it without even coming to say goodbye to me. When Erain returned, she told me that he had some really important business to attend to, but I just shrugged it off. She saw that I’d read the letter and we both decided to never discuss its contents with anyone, even each other, before she tore it to bits.

The guys came back a couple of hours later to check up on us. If I said they’re gentlemen, it’d be the understatement of the decade.

Rai was flipping through the boring channels on TV while the rest of the lads went on discussing their school day with each other.

“Shouldn’t hospitals be encouraging so that patients would get better sooner?” She muttered, making me giggle stiffly.

Then out of nowhere, Charlie Brown started playing and almost everyone jumped out of their seats due to the loud commotion.

“Your phone scared me half to death, woman!” I put a hand on my heart as the beeping increased in rate on the ECG.

“Hey, Hayaa?” Rai asked with a worried glance.

“Yeah?” I knitted my eyebrows.

“It’s Adam.” She stated. I sat up straighter, ignoring the pain.

That didn’t help slow down the beats of my racing heart though. She answered and handed me the phone.

“Erain?” His all too familiar voice echoed through the phone in worry making my eyes tear up.

“No, Dimo. It’s me.” I smiled.

I heard him gasp, then silence.

“Dimo? You still there?” I asked getting worried.

“Yeah. Ezayek?” He sounded choked up, like he was fighting his tears so hard.

“I’m fine, elhamdul’Allah. How about you?” I tried to smile although he couldn’t see me anyways.

By then, the guys have decided to give me some privacy and opted to wait outside the room till I finished my phone call.

“I miss you, Hayaa.” I heard a sob.

“Dimo, please, don’t cry. Don’t do this to me.” I covered my eyes with my right hand as my voice quavered and tears rushed to my eyes.

“Hayaa, please, come home.” He sniffled. “It’s suffocating here without you. Please.”

I could just imagine him with his back resting against his room’s teal door, knees pulled up to his chest; hugged tightly, with his forehead resting on his knees.

I knew if I imitated his position, pain would be unbearable, but I didn’t care.

“You know, someday, we’re gonna look back at this and laugh. Plus it’s only a couple of months and I’ll be back. I promise. You know I never break promises, right?” Tears were freely making their way down my cheeks.

Rai sat beside me and patted my shoulder soothingly. After all, she knew what it was like to miss your siblings.

All I heard was his crying.

“Dimo?” I asked.

“I-I’m sorry! I’m s-sorry I wasn’t there to protect y-you.”

“Don’t you dare say that. I’d be long gone if it weren’t for you, Adam. I think I don’t need to remind you.” I said in a stern voice and Rai stiffened beside me.

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