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shrine of weather

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shrine of weather

"At this rate, the rain won't even give us the chance to perform for our showcase!" Jay grumbled aloud.

"Now, now Jay. That's still a month away, the sky will clear up again!" Jake optimistically said, yet his expression showed uncertainty.

"A month?! We're losing time as we speak! This showcase is important if Haneul wants to make it to University!" Jay rambled before cursing harshly at the rain.

"Stop swearing you vulgar child," Jake giggled before joining Jay in blaming the rain.

What do you expect? It's been raining heavily ever since Haneul returned back from Seoul. It's been almost a week of rain and it wasn't the ordinary kind where it just drizzled.

No, the rainfall was so heavy to the point canals overflowed and streets were flooded. Some even reported absurd sightings of creatures made out of water. Work and school were affected and a great deal of accidents had already occured.

All Tokyo needed was sunlight.

"That is if we can even afford University here," Haneul huffed out before picking up her backpack. "I'm gonna head home first, take care you two,"

Watching the demoralised girl leave the café, Jay and Jake sighed sadly before picking up their bags as well. "Do you think she'll be okay?" Jay asked worriedly.

Glancing up at the droplets of rain pouring down on them upon leaving the café, Jake smiled at the dark clouds before looking back at Jay.

"I believe she'll be okay once the sky clears up,"

Putting in her AirPods, Haneul turned up the volume to the song currently playing. She was frustrated and cold. She hated the rain, she hated the way it affected her mood. The rain only reminded her of awful memories she didn't want to reminisce.

Mindlessly walking, Haneul's feet led her to the old, abandoned building almost everybody in Tokyo avoided. Not even the Government wanted it demolished for a sacred shrine stood rooted on the rooftop.

Finally reaching the rooftop, Haneul panted tiredly before falling to her knees. Unfortunately that's what happens when you storm off in a fit of short-tempered anger.

Haneul was angry with her parents' decisions, enraged at Lee Heeseung for breaking her heart. She was especially insecure for being on the heavier side, for not looking like the other girls in her school. She was hurt and angry even though she desperately tried not to be.

Thankfully, the pouring rain masked her tears while the reverberating thunder concealed her sobs. She was drenched and cold, she was tired and unloved.

Growing up is fucking scary.

Getting up from the wet and rugged ground, Haneul looked up from her feet, hoping that she was alone. However, a tall and lean figure of a boy caught her by surprise— he was praying while standing before the shrine.

Furrowing her brows, Haneul realised it was the same boy she met on the plane back to Tokyo. He was a face that was easy to forget yet struck a sense of familiarity upon recognition. Before she could approach the boy, he had already walked through the shrine with his hands still clasped together.

And suddenly, the sky cleared up.

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