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"Goodnight everyone!"

"Get out of my house Riki,"

"Hell no! Jay and I are sleeping over whether you like it or not! Besides, Mrs. Sim adores me," Riki mischievously announced before rushing into Jake's room.

"His words, not mine! I'm still sleeping over though," Jay cackled before running off with Riki. "Mom! Why'd you let them stay?!" Jake whined before attending to his friends.

Laughing at their son's mini tantrum, the Sim couple bid their best friend and Sunghoon's father a goodnight. "So you'll be going back to Seoul tomorrow morning?" Mrs. Sim asked Mr. Park disappointedly.

"Yes. Please relay the message to Sunghoon for me, I'm afraid he doesn't want to speak to me," Mr. Park uttered. Little did he know that his son had overheard their brief conversation.

You didn't even try, Dad, Sunghoon thought bitterly to himself before succumbing to the rage he withheld that day.

Reflected on the dark skies that night, rain poured down heavily once again all over Tokyo upon Sunghoon's initiation. He didn't want to leave Haneul this way, he didn't want to be betrothed to his ex. He didn't want to leave the friends he made in Tokyo, from Riki and Jake to even the likes of Jay.

He was happy with them, happy whenever he brought smiles to their faces. He knew at one point he'd have to go, but not for with his father's reasoning.

"Goodnight everyone!" Haneul greeted cheerfully, exuding a bright glow as she hugged her parents, twin brother, friends and Sunghoon. "You seem happier than usual," Jake commented before observing his sister's unusual cheeriness.

Clasping a hand over his mouth, Jake let out an amused gasp before squealing to himself. After all, Haneul and Jake were twins for a reason. He could easily tell that something had happened between Sunghoon and Haneul.

"You're telling me everything tomorrow I don't care. Goodbye I am going to snitch on you to Jay and Riki!" Jake stuck his tongue out teasingly before slamming his door shut.

"That little shit-"

"Goodnight Haneul," Sunghoon snickered before discreetly pulling Haneul into another hug. "Hey! You need to pay for extra hugs you know, we keep it fair in The Sim Household!" Haneul exclaimed in a hushed tone, not wanting her parents to come out of from their room.

"But you're so cuddly," Sunghoon whined mildly before hesitantly letting go of Haneul. Smiling smugly, Haneul tip-toed slightly before pecking Sunghoon's cheek. "We'll spend more time together tomorrow!" Haneul smiled before waving at the taller boy.

Thinking hardly on the spot, Sunghoon shook his head before fidgeting shyly. "If it's okay with you, can I cuddle you to sleep? I'll go back to my room afterwards, I promise!" Sunghoon spoke quickly as his cheeks burned an evident shade of red.

Although she was taken aback by his sudden request, Haneul knew Sunghoon's intentions were always pure and sweet. As nervous as they seemed, Haneul couldn't help but nod her head in consent to his request.

Something about that moment, something about Sunghoon's request made her feel a mixture of anxiety and sadness. Almost as though he was trying to hold onto her as the Universe slowly pulled him away.

"You're an artist too?!" Haneul exclaimed in shock as she lay all cuddled up in Sunghoon's arms. "I studied Fine Arts on my own, I absolutely despise the current course I'm in. My dad gave me no choice you see," Sunghoon sighed before comfortably shifting his head on the pillow.

"But it makes you happy," Haneul said, frowning upon the injustice brought to Sunghoon's life. "I know, but thanks to your Mom, I found happiness in other areas," Sunghoon responded as he gently stroked Haneul's hair.

"Like what?" Haneul grinned upon resting her chin on Sunghoon's chest. "Art journalism, cooking— and you," Sunghoon smiled to himself as he briefly reminisced his memories in the past month.

"I'm glad you're happier," Haneul uttered softly before comfortably hiding her face in his chest. For a moment, they were comfortable— they felt settled. They were each other's safe haven, healing each other whenever life screwed them over.

"Haneul, do you want an end to this weather?" Sunghoon suddenly asked, covering Haneul's ears before the booming sound of thunder infiltrated their peace. Looking up at Sunghoon with sleepy eyes, Haneul frowned at the sudden question asked.

"I do, everyone does, but we can't do anything much about it. Even you have your limits to praying," Haneul answered earnestly before cocking an eyebrow up at Sunghoon.

Scooting up on the bed to match his height, Haneul looked at Sunghoon in confusion upon noticing his teary eyes. The dimly lit bedroom didn't make it easy for Sunghoon to conceal his melancholy expression.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Haneul asked worriedly before lightly wiping away his now, falling tears. While she expected him to cry out of sadness, Sunghoon instead had a smile on his face. His eyes beaming with joy despite his endless stream of tears.

You're the only person who's holding me back from leaving this world. You make me so happy, Haneul.

"You're the reason why I feel alive," Sunghoon sniffled as he clutched onto Haneul's smaller hands before placing a small kiss on them.

"You weirdo, don't cry! You'll make me cry," Haneul pouted before inevitably tearing up as well. Chuckling at her endearing antics, Sunghoon fluttered his eyes shut before savouring every second and minute with Haneul.

Bringing up their hands to compare its sizes, Haneul's soft and gentle smile dropped upon seeing the very worrying sight before her— that a part of Sunghoon's hand had turned to water.

Sunghoon, what aren't you telling me?

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