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As soon as Sunghoon and Sunoo gave up their roles as Weather Boys, Tokyo and Seoul's skies poured down heavily on its cities once again.

And the rain was there to stay. No more sunshine and sacrifices, and especially no more praying.

While everyone else expressed their worries and frustration at the weather, a particular family and group of friends jumped gleefully upon the sudden downpour. All of whom were dancing under the blue and grey skies.

That day, Haneul saved Sunghoon from himself. Both teens fell from the skies and landed safely on the rooftop. Both sprawled unconsciously on the ground under the red shrine gate as Sunghoon's arms remained shielded around Haneul.

While the situation may seem relieving now that they had each other, little did they know they'd be separated in their unconsciousness.

That falling together from the skies was the last time Haneul and Sunghoon saw each other that year.

"Jake, stop disturbing your sister,"

"But this is the only time I can stick Pocky sticks up her nose, Mom!"

"Nishimura Riki don't you dare join Jake in his sneaky endeavours,"

"But Sunoo-"

"All of you shush and let Haneul rest in peace,"


Fluttering her eyes open, Haneul winced upon the seeing the glaring white light of the hospital ward shining down on her. Covering her ears meekly as she sat up slowly on her bed, Haneul turned towards the window only to see the familiar grey scenic she now found comfort in.

"You guys are a freakishly loud bunch," Haneul chuckled dryly upon waking up to the comforting sight of her family and friends.

"Hannie!" Jake exclaimed in relief before pushing the opened packet of Pocky sticks towards Riki.

Embracing his sister in his arms, Jake finally cried out the feelings he kept bottled up. Patting her brother's back, Haneul softly smiled as her heart was engulfed by her family's warmth.

"You worried us sweetheart, you've been out for almost a week since that day," Mrs. Sim sighed as she gently stroked the back of Haneul's head.

"Where's Dad?" Haneul asked her mother after realising the absence of her father. As soon as she asked that question, the entire atmosphere fell heavy upon everyone.

"What's going on Mom?" Haneul pressed on again yet, Mrs. Sim found herself hesitating in answering her daughter's curiosity.

Narrowing her eyes at the lack of response, Haneul shifted her attention to Jay before motioning him to answer. She of all people knew how honest and direct Jay was.

Yet that day, he refused to answer his best friend. His head hung low while refusing to look at Haneul.

"Mr. Sim's at the airport. Sunghoon and his father are headed back to Seoul. FYI, Sunghoon woke up yesterday," Riki blurted out before munching on his taiyaki.

"Riki!" Sunoo scolded before slapping Riki's shoulder in shock. Realising his slip-up, Riki clasped a hand over his mouth before chuckling nervously.

You're leaving for Seoul.

"I need to go. Drive me to the airport, Jay," Haneul started as she swung her legs off from the bed. "Haneul, you need to rest-"

"Sunghoon isn't happy in Seoul!" Haneul exclaimed stressfully as she resisted her brother's grip.

"Sweetheart, you have to understand that regardless of his happiness, he needs to finish school," Mrs. Sim sighed.

"Then let him finish school here! You're friends with his dad, why can't you convince him?!" Haneul seethed out as she stared desperately into her mother's kind eyes.

Instead of retaliating back, Mrs. Sim understood her daughter's feelings. Losing someone you love, almost as if they were out of reach. She understood, but it couldn't change the fact that Sunghoon was on a plane back to Seoul for his sake.

"I can't Hannie, I tried but I couldn't change his mind," Mrs. Sim said before embracing her sobbing daughter in her arms.

That day, Haneul cried with the sky. Not for herself, but for Sunghoon.

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