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my heart sank into a maze of memories

The morning after, Sunghoon felt much better as compared to the previous night. Surprisingly, he was already feeling better right after drinking some of the ginseng soup Mrs. Sim made.

Poking his head out the bedroom door, Sunghoon raised a brow in confusion upon seeing Haneul, who seemed to have skipped school. Brushing his fingers through his hair, Sunghoon walked out of the bedroom solemnly.

"Ah, my Sunshine Boy's awake!" Haneul cheered happily, as she sat herself at the dining table. "Good morning to you too crybaby," Sunghoon responded, his mood brightened by Haneul's bubbly state.

"Good morning Sunghoon! Are you feeling better?" Mrs. Sim greeted brightly, setting down a plate of pancakes for Sunghoon.

"Thanks to your soup Mrs. Sim," Sunghoon responded shyly before digging into his breakfast. "By the way, where's your brother?" Sunghoon asked curiously upon noticing Jake's absence.

"He's at school," Haneul replied bluntly as she flipped through her Mom's magazine drafts and notes. "And you're not at school because...?" Sunghoon questioned with his mouth full.

"Because today, you and my darling daughter will be researching for BORDER's weather column! And you, Sunghoon, will be writing about it," Mrs. Sim announced before handing the pair a notepad each.

"I figured, you know, you'd need a mode of transportation," Haneul beamed before pulling out a set of jingling keys. "You drive?!" Sunghoon exclaimed in shock, causing both women to giggle.

"I saved and bought my own motorcycle, I haven't had the chance to ride it these days because of the rain. Public transport's expensive, investment is the way," Haneul explained before sneakily stealing Sunghoon's last pancake.

"Here, eat it with the strawberries too," Sunghoon poked his fork through a strawberry before handing it to Haneul, no longer fazed by her license and was instead more attentive to her.

"Thanks Sunshine! Anyways, we're leaving in 30 minutes so get a move on," Haneul said before consuming the strawberry whole. Chuckling softly at Haneul's somewhat, funny antics, Sunghoon entertaining. She was indeed, a strong character with an adorable face.

"Alright boss, whatever you say," Sunghoon sighed before bowing towards Mrs. Sim. "Thank you for letting me in Mrs. Sim, I promise I'll work hard on our column!"

Before Mrs. Sim could respond, Sunghoon had already dashed towards his room upon thanking her. Shaking her head in amusement,  Mrs. Sim internally thanked The Heavens for Sunghoon, realising her workload would be lifted by an extra set of hands.

Besides that fact, she realised her own daughter was slowly getting over Heeseung and that most of her attention was diverted to Sunghoon.

"Remind me again, why you pushed for Sunghoon to stay over and help me? And how did you meet him?" Mrs. Sim asked Haneul curiously, her tone now serious and direct.

With her ears perked up at the sudden shift in her Mother's tone, Haneul shifted nervously in her chair. She knew very well that the smart woman her mother was didn't let unfamiliar faces stay overnight or help her out in her work.

"Sunghoon's home is under renovation mom, I figured Jake and I could help him! Besides, the only way to earn your approval on things like this is if you're able to receive some sort of payment in return," Haneul smoothly replied.

However, Mrs. Sim only laughed is disbelief before shaking her head in amusement. "As expected from a family of witty members. Haneul, you don't even know who that boy is. You may know his name, but you don't know him,"

Cursing under breath, Haneul straightened her posture before raising her hands in defeat. "I'm assuming you know more about him than I do then, mom? Seeing that you agreed to him staying and even made him pancakes!" Haneul exclaimed in a hushed tone.

"The internet does wonders, my dear. He's lucky I'm a kind woman, I believe he deserves to be surrounded by people like us," Mrs. Sim sadly spoke before facing her laptop to Haneul.

"True to his name, he's Park Sunghoon, aged 19. He's the son of the CEO at BORDER's Headquarters in Seoul. Last week, my company posted an announcement asking us to contact Seoul's HQ if we managed to catch sight of the CEO's son,"

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