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"Stop staring at me Jungwon,"

"It's been 3 years,"

"Do your work or I'll fire you,"

"You know... I've always wanted to meet this Haneul!" Jungwon hinted at Sunghoon, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

Exhaling a deep breath, Sunghoon slumping back on his chair before groaning in frustration. "I miss her Wonie," Sunghoon mumbled while pouting his lips.

Staring at Sunghoon in disbelief, Jungwon threw his pen at his cousin's head before sassily crossing his arms.

"Then arrange a meeting with her doofus! Run away just like how you always do! Youshouldtotallybringmealongthough," Jungwon beamed happily.

"But I-"

"Oh Heeseung! Thanks for bringing my plant! Now, could you convince this dumbass over here to fly to Tokyo?" Jungwon exclaimed excitedly before engulfing Heeseung in a hug.

"I'm just here to bring my girlfriend her lunch! And your plant? Anyways, I guess I come too often to the point I became your errand man," Heeseung snickered before bowing to greet Sunghoon.

"Hey! We're friends helloooo" Jungwon retorted back before clinging onto Heeseung again.

"Say Heeseung, should I drop my work right now and fly to Tokyo?" Sunghoon mindlessly asked while repeatedly clicking his pen.

Scratching his head unsurely, Heeseung was reminded by the fact that Haneul and Jake were in Tokyo. Over time, Heeseung reflected on what he did to Haneul. He felt what needed to be felt; ashamed and apologetic.

While he was still happy with Misun, he hoped to apologise to Haneul for what he did. After all, they were bestfriends before anything else. He knew for a fact Haneul didn't deserve the pain he caused her.

"For what reason though?" Heeseung asked curiously.

"To be with the girl I love. It's been 3 years since I last saw her. My father won't allow me to leave until I get all this work done," Sunghoon miserably whined as he motioned towards the amount of project drafts and artworks on his table.

"Okay but who spent an entire week procrastinating? Sounds like a you problem~" Jungwon cheekily said as he placed his plants on the windowsill.

"Jungwon I will beat you u-"

"If you're going, could you do me a favour?" Heeseung intervened, his doe-eyes expressing hope and guilt. Something Sunghoon couldn't quite figure out.

"Sure Heeseung, it's the least I can do after everything you did for this plant-crazed brat," Sunghoon smiled before glaring at an aloof Jungwon.

"I hope your projects flop!" Jungwon sarcastically smiled as he threatened to throw his cactus at Sunghoon.

"He's the Devil's spawn I'm telling ya," Sunghoon snickered with Heeseung before flipping his cousin off.

"There's this girl I'm hoping to reach out to, to apologise for what I did to her 3 years ago. Well, she was actually my ex-girlfriend. I was hoping maybe you could find her? I still love her, but not in that way," Heeseung asked hesitantly after his laughter died down.

"Well, sure. Seems like I'll be ditching work for a while anyways. So, what's her name?" Sunghoon said before cleaning his office desk.

"Sim Haneul,"

Upon the mention of his girl's name, Sunghoon dropped his files on his desk before staring up at Heeseung. Connecting the dots from 3 years ago when Haneul mentioned her ex-boyfriend of 2 years, who cheated on her.

"Heeseung, I think you might wanna run," Jungwon chuckled nervously as he slowly approached his cousin.

"What? Why-"

"Let me throw 10 good punches at you before I'll explain," Sunghoon cracked his knuckles with a sinister smile on his face.

"Oh my god, you're in love with Haneul-" Heeseung's eyes widened in realisation as he backed away from Sunghoon.

"So, 10 punches yes?"



"Apologise with tears. BOTH OF YOU," Jungwon scolded as he stood in front of the two older boys.

Well, two older boys with bruised knuckles and cheeks.

Glancing at each other, both Heeseung and Sunghoon sighed in defeat before bowing down toward Jungwon.

"We're sorry for killing your plant," they apologised simultaneously.

Straightening their posture, Sunghoon and Heeseung faced each other before bowing again.

"I'm sorry for hurting your girl-"

"I'm sorry you were an asshole,"

Smirking evilly at Heeseung, Sunghoon straightened his posture before grabbing his belongings. Heeseung, on the other hand, only shook his head in amusement.

I deserved that anyways. I'll always be regretful, Haneul.

"Well, I'm off to Tokyo now!" Sunghoon announced after regaining his composure.

"ALREADY?!" Jungwon whined as he watched Sunghoon struggle with his many files and boxes.

"What about your dad?" Heeseung raised a brow before steadying Sunghoon's piled up boxes.

"Pft, he won't know. I'm not spending anymore time in this boring office," Sunghoon retorted back. Smirking mischievously, Sunghoon turned around before sending a wink at Jungwon and Heeseung.

"But in the case he does, just tell him I'll be dancing under the rain with my girl,"

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