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Breathing in the crisp cold air of Tokyo, Sunghoon felt free once again. The sound of the pitter patter of rain oddly calmed his anxious mind and heart. Although he appreciated his father's efforts in rebuilding their relationship, Tokyo felt more like home to Sunghoon.

Holding a black umbrella that shielded him from the rain, Sunghoon overlooked Tokyo's scenic view. Some buildings slowly submerged in unresolved floods, while some didn't. Closing his eyes, Sunghoon exhaled a shaky breath before walking towards the red shrine that still stood rooted on the rooftop.

Though, he didn't quite walk through it. Instead, he knelt before the shrine before clasping his hands together.

Just for a while, please grant Tokyo it's lost sunshine. Just this one time.

Upon saying that brief prayer, lightning struck across Tokyo's skies before thunder rumbled loudly. Fluttering his eyes open, Sunghoon only huffed out in defeat before chuckling softly to himself.

It seemed like The Heavens still held a grudge against Sunghoon, seeing that the rays of sunshine granted were only shining down on him— rather than on the whole of Tokyo.

"Jeez, you people up there must hate me for giving up my role huh?" Sunghoon talked to the sky, his brown orbs twinkling at the sight of sunshine.

Looking away from the light shining down on him, Sunghoon finally accepted the fact that that would be the last time he'd ever feel the familiar warmth of sunshine on his face.

Goodbye, sunshine.

While he pranced around the rooftop patiently waiting for Haneul, the momentary rays of sunshine disappeared. Replacing it instead was a cloudburst much heavier than others, specifically raining down on the building instead.

"Sunghoon!" A voice called out from amid the sound of heavy raindrops falling from the sky.

The sweet voice that eased him, the only voice he missed dearly. Spinning around, Sunghoon was finally met with his other half; his saviour and the girl he loved dearly.

Dropping his umbrella, Sunghoon was immediately drenched by the cold rain yet he didn't care. As long as Haneul was there,he didn't have to worry about feeling cold anymore.

Though her tears were masked by the rain, Haneul cried out in joy as she ran towards her Sunshine Boy. Spreading his arms out wide, Sunghoon caught Haneul in his arms before spinning her around gleefully.

Continuing to hold her tight even after setting her down. His arms nestled comfortably around her waist as he cried softly into her shoulder.

"I missed you Haneul, I missed you so much," Sunghoon muttered softly before bringing himself to face Haneul.

Placing a hand gently on Sunghoon's cheek, Haneul only scanned every detail and aspect of his face. Gazing into his glossy eyes, Haneul only chuckled before tip-toeing to his height.

"I missed you more, my Sunshine," Haneul giggled as she brushed her nose softly against his. "What are you even doing here? According to Mom, you were going to be dispatched here next month!" Haneul said in disbelief,

Dumbfounded, Sunghoon laughed nervously as his eyes shifted around playfully. "That's a very interesting question, Haneul!" Sunghoon's face flushed in embarrassment.

Narrowing her eyes down at Sunghoon, Haneul only burst in laughter before cupping his face in her hands. "I know, I would've run away from work just to see you. 3 years is too long!" Haneul giggled.

Bashfully hiding his face in the crook of her neck, Sunghoon looked up at Haneul again before pouting. "You lost your cheeks!" Sunghoon whined before cupping Haneul's face.

"What are you saying? My cheeks are perfectly fine-"

Taking her by surprise, Sunghoon pecked a small kiss on Haneul's cheek before smiling sheepishly. "Yea, I know," Sunghoon said smugly.

"You've become as cheeky as Riki!" Haneul scoffed in disbelief as Sunghoon continued to bombard her by peppering small kisses on her face. Not that she minded of course.

After a brief moment filled with laughter, Sunghoon finally stopped before resting his forehead against Haneul's. Sighing deeply, the pair gazed deeply into each other's eyes.

With fresh eyes since they got older, yet both wielding and holding the same love for each other.

"3 years ago, I thought sacrificing myself for the sunshine did everyone a favour. But the only reason I did it, was because I wanted to see you smile brighter and live happier," Sunghoon started.

Shaking her head, Haneul smiled softly at Sunghoon before fidgeting with the necklace around his neck— the one that she gave him.

"Initially, I wanted the good weather. I thought if it didn't rain as much, I would smile just as much. That was until I met you, Sunghoon," Haneul choked out in between tears.

"I want you to know that you're the reason I've decided to live freely and happily. That there was nothing wrong with me and that I deserved to be loved," Haneul continued.

"And that you're absolutely beautiful inside and out!" Sunghoon added on, causing both of them to chuckle.

Under the pouring rain, Sunghoon and Haneul held each other in the other's warmth. Crying out whatever tears needed to be shed, and laughed at whatever made them excited.

"I just want you to know that you're my blue sky in this world of grey. I don't need any other, just you Haneul. I won't ask the Heavens for much anymore now that you're here with me," Sunghoon uttered out before gently pulling Haneul closer to him.

Gazing into his eyes lovingly, Haneul grinned widely before her eyes shifted towards his lips. There and then did she hear and read the words she always longed to hear.

"I love you Sim Haneul. I always have and always will," Sunghoon finally admitted.

Regardless of confessing, Sunghoon anxiously waited for her answer or just the sound of her voice. Instead, Haneul placed her hands on the sides of his face before gently pulling him into a kiss.

Feeling his familiar smile against hers, Sunghoon deepened the kiss while basking in her love and presence. If either of the pair could explain how euphoric and at ease they were at that moment, it would be pretty much be equivalent to the first time they kissed.

Only this time, they were sure everything would be alright.

"I love you just as much as you love me, Sunghoon. I always have and always will,"

SUNGHOON | Cloudburst ✓Where stories live. Discover now