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3 days flew by in a flash and before anyone knew it, it was finally Saturday— the day of The Fireworks Festival. After the whole chaotic ordeal of getting a gift for Haneul, Sunghoon settled for a quaint and minimalistic silver chain bracelet.

With the help of Jungwon, Sunghoon went for a bracelet that displayed visible blueish gems along its circumference. He anxiously hoped that the girl he liked accepted his gift.

Yes, Park Sunghoon could finally admit to himself that he had fallen quite hard over Sim Haneul.

"It's raining you guys, I got dressed up for nothing!" Jake grumbled before plopping onto the sofa. "And to think we bought new yukatas!" Jay added on before copying Jake.

Upon hearing their complaints from his bedroom, Sunghoon only chuckled to himself before facing his window. Instead of clear skies on that day, the Heavens cried yet again. With rain that bad, the Fireworks Festival would be postponed again.

Of course, being considerate and compassionate ran through Sunghoon's blood. He figured praying for that day wouldn't break him too much, that it was worth giving the people of Tokyo a day filled with hope.

Exhaling a shaky breath, the raven-haired boy clasped his hands together tightly. The past month, Sunghoon had went out of his way and prayed almost daily. While it benefited almost everyone in Tokyo to go about their daily lives, almost every part of Sunghoon's body was translucent with touches of blue and green hues.

Sunghoon knew better than to keep praying, but he couldn't help but put others before himself. For once in his life did he feel like he could give back to others.

So that day at exactly 6PM, Park Sunghoon prayed for the sunshine; that day a bigger part of him was sacrificed.

And he knew that if made one more prayer to The Heavens, he was gone for good.

"Oh my god, taiyaki! Jake! Jay! We have to buy the entire stall,"  Riki squealed as he dragged the duo towards the stall.

"Whose genius idea was it to invite the child? He's gonna rob me of my money just to buy taiyaki!" Jay grumbled, but smiled softly at the talkative boy.

"We'll find you guys later!" Jake called out before the trio disappeared into the sea of people on the streets of Tokyo. As soon as the skies cleared, smiles and excitement returned and celebrations resumed.

"You prayed again Sunshine," Haneul smiled at Sunghoon, the pair wearing yukatas that complimented each other's colour. "Pink is certainly your colour," Sunghoon pointed out, trying to avoid over-complimenting Haneul.

You're extra pretty today Haneul, my heart is overwhelmed, Sunghoon thoughts raced nervously.

"You don't look too shabby yourself Hoonie," Haneul responded back, desperately trying to control herself from grinning widely.

Indeed, Sunghoon looked absolutely dashing that day and the brunette couldn't help but feel the familiar butterflies she felt every time she was around him.

"Haneul!" A voice called out amid the bustling streets of that certain area in Tokyo.

Spinning around in confusion, Haneul searched the crowd before finally locking eyes with the person she missed the most. Haneul never knew how long a person's absence meant until they came back. Due to that fact, she learnt not to take the time spent with her loved ones for granted.

Standing by her mother's side, was her father.

Well, you could say that two men stood by her mother's side that day. One who missed his daughter, and one who finally realised his faults as a father.

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