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it's your world and I'm just in it

"You're a Weather Boy, Sunghoon. If you keep praying for the sunshine you'll eventually have to sacrifice yourself in return for stable weather— just like Sunoo," Riki muttered sadly.

Pursing his lips in a thin line, Sunghoon only nodded his head in response before smiling at Riki. For some reason, Sunghoon didn't care if one day, he'd have to be the sacrificial lamb. The only person he had in mind was Haneul, to bring light into her life just like she did for him.

"So be it Riki. At least I have some purpose in my life now, don't I? I'll keep praying for the sunshine— I'll do it for everybody in Tokyo," Sunghoon said before packing his belongings.

Furrowing his brows, Riki stared at Sunghoon for in disbelief before grabbing the older boy's collar. "Being a good person in this world doesn't bring you any justice. Listen to yourself Sunghoon!"

Sunghoon knew Riki cared about him, that he didn't want Sunghoon to end up like Sunoo. "It's part of my fate one way or another Riki, I'll just have to make the most out of it,"

Looking at Sunghoon with teary eyes, Riki cried even more the moment Sunghoon patted his head. In response, the older boy could only chuckle at Riki's compassionate heart; internally thanking The Heavens for bringing Riki to him, someone who cared.

"Just don't tell Haneul about this, okay?"

"We're home!" Jake announced happily as he skipped into his warm abode. Peeking his head out of the kitchen frame, Sunghoon smiled softly the minute Haneul walked in.

"Where's Mom?" Haneul asked after noticing Mrs. Sim's absence in the kitchen. "She went to BORDER, she's gonna get our column approved before we continue further," Sunghoon awkwardly responded.

Giggling at his occasional awkwardness around her, Haneul pinched Sunghoon's cheeks before grabbing his hand. "Jake! Sunshine Boy and I are going out. Make sure you and Jay prepare dinner for Mom!" Haneul shouted before grabbing her belongings.

"Have fun on your date lovebirds!" Jake teasingly shouted back, poking his head out his door frame before sending a wink to a very flustered Sunghoon. "It's not a date dumbass, tell Mom we'll be back before dinner!"

Accidentally making eye-contact with each other, both Haneul and Sunghoon turned away bashfully in attempt to hide their rose-tinted cheeks. Checking the clock, Sunghoon's eyes widened in shock after realising it was only 4:30PM.

"Say Sunshine, are you up for a free tour around Tokyo?" Haneul asked with bright eyes and her infamous smile which Sunghoon had grown to love. "You'll persist even if I refuse, won't you?" Sunghoon said in amusement, causing Haneul to beam even more.

"That's right Park Sunghoon," Haneul smirked before pulling Sunghoon away from her home. Freedom is what he'd call it; he felt freedom whenever Haneul was around.

Upon getting on her beloved motorcycle, Sunghoon lightly wrapped his arms around Haneul's waist as he felt the cool breeze under the Sun's warmth. He internally thanked the situation where Haneul's eyes were focused on the road.

God knows how embarrassed he'd be if she were to notice his flustered state—well, let's just say both 19 year olds' had their hearts beating out of their chests at the comfortable yet, new proximity.

While Haneul prayed Sunghoon wouldn't be the LITERAL death of her, the latter prayed for good weather that afternoon. As long as Haneul was happy, it was worth offering a part of himself every time he prayed.

For the past 2 weeks, Sim Haneul was his saviour; she was the reason why his shielded heart opened up a bit more. Was it fate? Was it just a coincidence?

For what it's worth, Sunghoon finally found love in somebody.

Now the question is, did Haneul find love in him?

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