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"Are you sure he's okay?"
The words were fuzzy and distant. Philza woke slowly, first hearing the conversation around him.
Ranboo was talking to someone Philza didn't recognize.
"He'll be fine. The Totem has powerful healing magic."
The Totem. The one who lived in the desert. Of course that was where Cloud had taken them. He was a smart horse.
Was the Totem in league with Herobrine? They were usually allies in the many wars that plagued the world.
But Herobrine had only helped them. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to give the Totem the benefit of the doubt.
Even if he'd been known as a Totem of death ages, eons, ago, Philza knew change was possible. Take Techno. Take him, Death's Angel.
Phil opened his eyes. The pain from the desert had faded, and all Philza felt was a faint ache in his throat.
A woman, dressed in sandy robes, smiled down at him. "Welcome back, Angel."
Phil blinked. "Where-?"
"The Totem's pyramid. Palace. Whatever you want to call it."
"Phil!" Ranboo said happily, his head poking into Philza's vision. "You're okay."
"Are you?"
Ranboo's skin was still faintly pink. But the boy nodded his head happily. "Yep. Foolish is good at this desert stuff."
"Foolish?" Phil questioned.
"The Totem." Ranboo explained.
"How long have I been out?" Phil asked, sitting up.
"Um, two days since I've woken up." Ranboo said cheerfully. "Alyssa has taken good care of you."
The woman in the sandy clothes smiled. "I know a few things about healing."
"Thank you." Phil told her.
"Unfortunately, there is wither deep inside your bones. You'll have trouble walking."
"I know. Herobrine told me." Phil said sadly.
"We have made you a staff." Alyssa offered. "It isn't much, but it will allow you to walk."
"Again, thank you." Phil said.
He swung his legs over the bed. Ranboo held out a tall sandstone staff, inlaid with gold and polished perfectly smooth.
"You could also use it as a weapon." Alyssa offered.
Phil smiled. "Thank you. It seems I owe you and the Totem quite a bit."
"Oh no, I don't need any payment. The Totem told me to heal you, and so I did. Besides, I would not be a healer if I turned away those in need."
Phil nodded.
"Come meet Foolish!" Ranboo said, leading the way out of the room, his tail swishing.
Don't trust the Totem. He lies. A crow cawed from a windowsill. Phil shook his head. Paranoid crows.
Liar liar liar. Lies, LIES. They cawed after him.
"Do you know Foolish?"
"I've met him before. We never talked. Besides, I don't remember much."
Ranboo nodded. "Well, he's a great guy. The stories are all wrong."
"What do your particles say?"
"They think he's hiding something." Ranboo shook his head with a laugh. "But Foolish is a nice guy."
Phil nodded. Surely Ranboo wasn't wrong.

The palace screamed wealth at every corner. Gold inlaid in the walls, the marble pillars sparkling with gemstones, polished quartz floors.
Exotic animals killed around the grounds. Peacocks, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs, lions, tigers. Parrots of every size and color.
Crocodiles in the pools, snakes sunning on large sandstone boulders, powerful birds sitting on perches. Phil even spotted a gryphon lounging on a ledge.
In the shade, Phil swore he could see a phantom.
Servants walked along, carrying baskets or platters, or feeding the animals.
The Totem was clearly wealthy, and here in his nexus, he would be powerful. More powerful than Ranboo and Phil combined.

Ranboo led Phil through the grounds, to a massive, gold capped pyramid. Guards stood at attention outside.
Phil stared as they entered the pyramid. Massive pillars of polished sandstone, inlaid with gold hieroglyphics and lapis lazuli gemstones.
The floor was made of polished marble, and there was a golden path inlaid, which led to a large dais.
An ornate gold throne, carved into the shape of large, outstretched wings, with twin shark tails as armrests.
Emerald, lapis, and carnelian were etched into the throne.
On the ornate seat was a creature like a massive totem of undying, dressed in the clothing of an Egyptian Pharoah, with a shark tail.
The Totem.

Ranboo smiled and gave a little bow. "Hi Foolish! This is Philza."
"I'd guessed." Foolish said kindly, his voice smooth and soft. "How are you, Philza Minecraft?"
"You have a very skilled healer." Phil said.
"Alyssa is very good at her craft." Foolish agreed.
"Now what?" Ranboo asked.
"The two of you can rest here. When you have recovered, I'll bring you to the Astrals. They have a better connection to the Dreamon King than I do, and they likely know where the Stronghold is."
"The Dreamon King? Have you met him?" Phil asked, suspicious.
"I have, but I haven't spoken to him in a long time." Foolish explained.
"Is he trustworthy?"
Foolish studied Phil for a long moment. "That depends."
"What you want, and how you ask for it."
"That's no answer. Should we trust the Dreamon King."
Foolish sighed and descended the stairs. "Come. I'll give you the grand tour."

He'd never answered the question.

But the Totem was a helpful immortal, and Ranboo appeared to trust him.

What could happen?

So, the reason I haven't been updating quite as much is because I have a new story. It's called Cursed Crow, and is also about Philza and Technoblade.

I am now working on two books at once, traveling around a lot, and working on a summer class.

Don't worry though, both stories will get updated. Just thought you guys should know. :)

Anyway..... How should I torture the characters next? They can't just live in a super powered Totem's house forever. *Evil laughter*

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