Chapter 1: A Spark (Camelot)

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Y/N pov: 

it was a beautiful glittering day here in Camelot. Kids play, people spoke, bought, and enjoyed themselves in peace. I was known as the prettiest in the land, however all adults disliked me due to my mother being  a evil witch who died in a war i was born in. I was the reason the war had ended and my mother was the reason it began. She was queen of the forest she ruled over the trolls and other mystical creatures in the forest. She was the queen of the shadows as well i was the princess but humans and people of light magic took care of me and the only motherly figure i had in my life was Morgana herself the sister of the king himself. My fatherly figure was Merlin the wizard himself i was very powerful and i could contain and control my powers and abilities.

Anyways, i had brown flowing hair and i was on my way to start my day of hard work you see i was Merlin's first apprentice. I been his first one sense i was born when we saw each o Oz ther we both knew we needed each other more than ever. I didnt know who his second apprentice was but i hear he was quite the troublemaker and that Merlin adopted him his apprentices name was  Hisirdoux Casperan. I thought it was a little odd so i always said Douxie.

I had finally arrived at Merlins tower and i skipped in "hello Merlin." I greeted with my bright happy smile. This made the old wizard smile and hug me when i went up to him. "Hello Ms. Flame, are you ready for today's  duties" he asked and looked down at me. "Yes i am Merlin but when can i meet your new apprentice?" I asked curiously. "In time little Flame when the time is right you will meet him for now i need your help cleaning up the room." He said. I nodded in response and started cleaning up happily. Suddenly the door opened revealing a boy covered in slor milk. This made me mad because just cleaned the floor.

"YOU SHOULD CLEAN YOURSELF OFF BEFOR ENTERING THE ROOM YOU IDIOT!" I yelled and stomped in front of him but kept my distance. "Well i am sorry if i had a chore or two to do that involved a mess" he said back but he had a amused look on his face. "Looks like the day you meet my troublemaker apprentice is today Kathrine." Merline said. Kathrine was the name my mother gave me. "So your the idiotic apprentice i heard of i was thinking you were better guess i was wrong." I stated coldly and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Hey i am fine the way i am Master Merlin who is this?" Douxie asked slightly annoyed. "Hisirdoux this is y/n the one who was and is my first apprentice before you." Merlin introduced me. I watched as Douxie looked me up and down with a small blush "i guess his details didnt lie to me. You are what he says but he never told me you had that spark." He said amused and had a smirk. 

I didn't expect his comment causing me to blush but i backed off and growled and in return his smile grew and i knew he what he was thinking. I knew he was going to play around with me more as time went on. "I can't believe i have to spend all eternity with this idiot." I said. My comment made Merlin chuckle "well then young ruler you have more on your shoulders than anyone except you know. For now i want you to watch over young Hisirdoux everyday every second of the day and keep him out of trouble. Only time you be apart is at night." Merlin said.

"I dont need a babysitter Master" douxie said. "This will help keep you on track young wizard" Merlin said in return. "But master-" douxie was cut off. "Dont but master me Hisirdoux i have this for a reason for this you must accept it if you want to be a master wizard you must accept the fact help will be needed along the way!" Merlin yelled with anger. I bounced back and held Douxie's arm in fear for i never seen him mad. This action caused Douxie to look at me and he saw the fear on my face and he sighed and took my hand and led me out of Merlins tower. 

After moments of silence we stopped in front of the room he sleeps in which was next to mine. "Are you ok?" Douxie asked with concern. "Y-yes that was scary for me though i never seen him so mad." I stated with a frown on my face. I looked down with fear and sadness thats when he used a finger and raised my head up to look at him. "Dont worry you will get used to it after all you and i are practically bounded to each other now." He said with a comforting smile. In returned i smiled at him.

Douxie pov:

Her smile it has put me under some kind of invisible spell. I never wanted it to leave i could see her smiling forever. What was i feeling, why was my heart beating so fast, and why do i feels so warm and already connected to her? I wanted to be like this forever i inched closer to her mindlessly then she broke the moment. "Ah you smell nasty you need to clean yourself up Douxie." She said pushing me back. This caused me to softly laugh then i remembered what she called me. "Douxie?" I questioned. "Yes thats what i call you do you like it?" She asked with a a shy face. This caused me to smile warmly at her "i love it i think i will keep it that way." He said. I listen to her soft enchanting laugh how i wish to hear it forever. I think i might have fallen in love with her when i first saw her. What a strange piece of magic. "I am Y/N Flame by the way Douxie." She said sweetly and held out her hand for me to shake. "I am Hisirdoux Casperan." I introduced.

We smiled at each other for a moment while shaking hands then she went into her room to change. I missed feeling her warm soft hands and seeing that smile. Why was i feeling this i guess i wont know or maybe i answered my question and just am being oblivious. I went into my room to clean up myself and to smell better. I couldn't get her off my mind nor could i shake off when she touched my arm. What was wrong with me?

Y/N pov:

I soon changed and cleaned myself up and i put my hair up in a half done bun which was neatly done leaving some hair hang loose and leaves the room and waits outside Douxie's room. He soon came out and saw me and smiled right away. "Hello y/n." He greeted happily.

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