Chapter 6: truths (Camelot x 20th century)

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3rd pov:

Merlin opened the door with Douxie's old self. "Fuzz buckets." Both Douxie's said. "So your from the future?" Merlin asked calmly. "Master i can explain" future douxie started. " more explaining and secrets its time i say the truth. Merlin we were being attacked by a female in a mask she had dark shadow balls i got hit with one thats why i act like that mean me earlier. Then i was instructed to open a portal to today for you now and douxie, claire, and myself fell into the portal. It was that strange evil woman that tried to kill us please Merlin be understanding." I begged.

"Yes i do understand i fear you wont be able to open a portal till your fixed so in the meantime hisirdoux you clean up my tower, douxie you stay with y/n make sure she is fine, and i will find a cure" Merlin said. Past douxie sulked "I seriously hate that hair style." Douxie faced palm at his past self. "Well i think its rather cute just like you." I complimented. Douxie smiled softly and we left to another room in the castle with Claire. "So how are we going to get out of here y/n can't open a portal?" Caire asked.

"I can make a remote that can open a portal to the specific time of the 20th century. However, i might need a bit of magic and a bit of my good power which will be easy." Y/n stated. "Sounds like a plan but we need your father's sword." Claire said. "Hm she has a point." Douxie said. "I have a idea douxie i will write down the instructions you must follow to make the remote and claire you help merlin find the cure while i get the sword." I said. "That actually could work get to work claire and be careful love we got a big mission to complete." Douxie said. They all nodded and claire left to help merlin then y/n wrote everything down and drew out everything realistically for him then left to retrieve the main mission item author's sword.

"Father?" I asked. "Yes y/n?" He answered. "Do you not love me enough to not kill me?" I questioned. He was silent causing me to frown "oh...i see." I said sadly and to his sword and copied it and i held the magical sword in my hand. "Kill him." The voice called from my head but I didn't obey. "Thats a shame father because i loved you. I thought sense you were my family and your wife was like my mother then you would love me like she did...i guess i am the only one who seen that." I said then walked away. "Y/n wait." He called. It was too late y/n was gone then author puts his face in his hands and went deep in thought. 

Y/n pov:

"I got the sword Douxie." I said entering the room. "How did you do that?" He asked. "Easy i made a copy of the sword with same elements and qualities its easy." I said putting the sword on the table and i hugged douxie from behind. "How is your hand?" He asked. Its fine its trying to reach my heart but i been containing it." I answered. I walked over to his side and used my good hand and added the power i had in me that is good into the remote and soon it was complete. "You know what this is the best thing we ever created together." He said. "Nah i say us growing a relationship is the best" i said.

Douxie chucked and hugged me. "I love you to y/n." He said. I soon fell asleep and he took me to my room and let me sleep. "What are you going to do now Douxie?" Archi asked. "Now its time for a big question to be asked, lets go to author." Douxie said and archi nodded and followed him.

Douxie pov: 

I went to author with archi and he got on one knee in front of author. "My king i have a question to ask you." I said. "What is it boy?" Author asked. "I love your daughter and i know i am no royal just a apprentice of a master wizard but i love your daughter to death. Please i beg you let me marry your daughter." I begged. Author was surprised then stood up from his thrown and went to me the sighed. "I do love my daughter i want her happy after all she seems to love you to so. Wizard i am giving you permission to marry her but you must use these rings." Author held up his and his dead wife's wedding rings out to me this made me stand up and takes the rings. "Thank you author." I said hugging the king. I won't disappoint you *runs off with archi and i used my magic and made the rings fit for mine and y/n's finger.

"Marriage hu this will be the moment of truth in your life Douxie i wish you luck." Archi wished. "Thanks Archi i need it." I said looking at the rings. I entered Merlins tower "ah hisirdoux we found a possible cure for Y/N's case. All we need is to bring Y/n to a cave in the forbidden forest inside is a crystal that can destroy or take in darkness." Merlin explained. "Yup all we need is to take y/n to the cave we wanted to take some guards with king author with us." Claire said. "So be it lets go i will wake up y/n and get her ready." I said. With that being said i put the rings in my pouch and left to wake up y/n.

Y/n pov: 

I was back in the place i saw the woman again. "Hello y/n." She greeted. "Hello...i want to know who and what you are lady or should i say darkness ." I said coldly. "So you figured it out...i am your mother and i planted myself in your body your going to be my new vessel. I might have died but a old friend of mine brought me back. You have so much potential and yet you wont let it explode so i will do it for you. There's nothing you can do about it." She said. "You say i have potential so i am going to use that to stop you and destroy you" i said with a dark glare. "I would like to see you try you child." She said rather darkly. I then woke up from Douxie shaking me i was breathing hard. "Are you ok love?" He asked. "Yeah just had a bad dream is all." I replied. "We need to go i know a way to get rid of whats inside you" Douxie said. "Ok lets go." I said. I got out of bed and he and i ran to catch up with everyone who were waiting for us.

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