Chapter 1 - The End And The Beginning

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Hello my fellow readers, this is my new fanfic, this crazy idea just popped up in my mind and I couldn't get it out, actually I have a lot of ideas in my mind but decided to go with this one for now. So I might start writing new fanfics, and I hope that you all will support me.

"What"– Talking
"What"– Thought
??? POV


There is nothing in the world that can describe it, after all, for every person, there is a different opinion of death. For some it is the end of their life, they fear it due to not wanting to leave the world, for others it is a way for them to escape from their troubles of the world, for some, it is a merciless being that comes for whoever it wants, and for religious believers, it is the time for their judgement, if they lived life as a good person they will go to heaven, but if they lived a life of crime and wrong they will be sent to hell.

But for me? I don't know, I was kind of a religious person, I believed that after I died, I would be judged for my actions and would go to either heaven or hell, but still, I wanted to live life a little longer. Huh, dying at the fickle age of 17, and to top it off, I died in a cliche way. I was on my way back to my apartment and was waiting at the road lights to turn green but that was when I saw a little girl – maybe 12 years old, give or take a year – running from the other side of the road while the light is still red!! That was when I heard the horn of a vehicle, I looked to my right and widened my eyes as I saw a truck speeding to the girl, I looked at the girl and knew that she wouldn't make it. Then without even thinking I ran to get the little girl out of the way of the truck. But I wasn't fast enough and the truck would hit her, so in a last bid to save the girl, I jumped in between the truck and the girl and wrapped my body around her as a way to protect her. And then the truck or more popularly known as truck-kun hit me.


Searing pain. That was the only thing I felt after getting hit by the truck. Was this how those anime protagonists felt when they were hit by the truck? No they died even before they could register the pain as they were hit face first, but I wasn't that lucky. I think the hit broke my spine, not that I would know anyway. Well, after getting hit, me and the girl were thrown to the other side of the pavement where the girl came from, probably from how I was running. We fell on the pavement, it hurt very much, but them I felt the trembling between my arms, that was when I remembered the girl. I opened my eyes and saw that my left vision was red, I assumed it was because of the blood on my left eye. I could hear the screams of horror from the nearby people and them running here. But I didn't pay them any mind, resolving to look at the girl in my arms. She was trembling, no doubt scared of the experience. She was grabbing my dress with trembling hands, I felt sorry for her, having to experience something at such an age. I wanted to say something but then I started hearing a voice, it was not clear as I tried to focus on the voice, and my effort was rewarded.

"Karin, Karin!!" I heard the sound of a woman, no doubt the girls mother. Then I felt some shuffling from my arms and I realized it was the girl, so I removed my hands from her to the best of my ability. That was when I got a good look at the girl, the girl had short brown hair and a pink dress, but she was covered in blood, I didn't know whose, maybe some of our mixed. The girl rose and looked at the direction of the voice, her voice was trembling and anyone could understand that she was scared. "M-M-Mama" She finally managed to say and I was relieved that her mother found her.

Then a woman emerged from the crowd with tears flowing from her eyes as she knelt down and hugged the girl. Then a man also came and after seeing her daughter had a look of relief on his face, but that soon changed as he saw me. Probably due to my state, maybe he saw me protecting the girl. He then knelt down and looked at me, then he took my right hand and looked at my pulse. He must be checking if I am alive, not surprising since I was bit by a truck. The man widened his eyes as he then turned to the crowd.

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