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Ocean. Family of cons.

The family fell apart. One went to the south, others went either north, east and west; scattered around the globe. Lewis Miguel Ocean and Denise Ocean have ten children: Lermain, Daniel, Luchardo, Damien, Lachrista, David, Lionel, Deborah, Lovimer, and Lavender.

Danger. It's always been a total danger when it comes to stealing stuff. It is highly risky. The Ocean Family always goes for the life-threatening heist, and Lewis Miguel Ocean would even call it their family bond.

Eight years ago, Deborah decided to quit heist and continued to pursue law in Europe. Since then, she didn't come back. Six months after her departure, her family was almost caught while trying to rig the met gala. Luke unintentionally fucked up the security cameras. So, their family bond was on a hiatus from that incident until four years ago. But that time, they recruited new members a.k.a just close family friends. That's where Louise Miller took place. Her family and the Ocean's were close to each other way back then, but the Miller's moved to Australia so the connections were cut until then.

Lou was always present in everything when she came back to the USA. Not only heist they were doing but also, helping some private organizations take down bad guys, worse than stealing pieces of jewelry, money, etc. although they still steal stuff, unbeknown to the people they are associated with.

Stealing and hijacking kinds of stuff are a habit to the Ocean's and Miller's, that's why they are so compatible with each other.

The Ocean family are on their individual vacation when Mr. Somebody, an associate with the aforementioned family, informed the Ocean siblings that their parents are taken hostage from an unknown group of people.

Lermain, Luchardo, Lachrista, Lionel,
Lovimer, and Lavender a.k.a the L's, immediately came one by one to the underground facility where they should meet.

First came was Luchardo a.k.a Luke, next was Lachrista a.k.a Krista, next was Lavender a.k.a Ven, next to her was Lermain, then Lovimer a.k.a Lovi, and finally, Lionel a.k.a Neil.

Mr. Somebody greeted them with a generous smile as he scans the group of people and was a little dismayed when he realizes that only half of the Ocean siblings came.

"Ah, I see that only L's are here. Now I know whose reliable and whose not." He joked.

"Mr. Somebody, nice to see you again!" Lavender, the youngest Ocean, greeted back with a wide smile and proceeds to hug him. She and Mr. Somebody were so close and still are, sometimes they mistake Lavender as Mr. Somebody's daughter, but the man, although like it, kept silent and always shrugs it off.

The others just smiled and returned the warm greeting.

"L's. My favorite Oceans." A woman, with a thick Australian accent, spoke far behind Mr. Somebody.

They all turned to see where that voice came from and Lavender's eyes went wide when she saw who owns that voice. It's been years since she saw her because Lavender didn't join their previous heists, just like her favorite sister; who was out of coverage even though she saw her weeks ago somewhere in Russia.

"LOUISE MILLER? Lou!" Ven runs to Lou and gives her a bear hug. The 5'10 Australian woman chuckles at the action and returns the embrace.

"Woah! You grew up. The last time I saw you were a decade ago, you were so little," Lou said as they break the embrace. "And still are." She continued.

Ven furrowed her eyebrows.

"That's not fair. I'm five feet and five inches." Ven replied.

"But you still didn't reach my height." She smirks.

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