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M2: Rescue Mission

Lou's motorbike comes to a halt in a building meters away from Reel's tower. Lavender let out an excessive cough as she took off her helmet. Lou gaped at her with a confused expression as the younger woman kept on thrashing her chest.

"Okay, that's an exaggeration," Lou pointed out as she placed the helmet onto the bike.

"It's human nature," Ven replied, bending down while catching her breath.

"Do not tell me, young girl, that you have a fear of riding motorbikes," Lou said in her thick deep Australian accent, looking down on the poor Ocean. Ven didn't answer. There was a silence for a moment before Lou's eyes widened in realization. "You are not!" Pause. "What?!" This time Lou bursts into laughter.

Ven looked up to the taller woman.

"Wow, is this how you treat people who have a fear of something?" Ven sarcastically said and stood up properly.

"What? No!" Lou replied.

"Then why are you still laughing?" She deadpanned.

"I'm amazed. Thought you're better than this."

Ven rolled her eyes at her. "You know what? I'll tell Debbie that if there is any chance that she'll fall for you, she should think twice," The brunette said and started to walk away from the laughing blonde.

"What... Hey, wait for me. I'm kidding; I'm kidding!" Lou ran after Ven, who's still offended.

"Get lost, Lou!"

When Lou catches up on her, she places her arm around Ven's shoulder.

"I'm just surprised, okay? I thought you were messing with me," Lou pacified.

Ven shakes her head and mouthed nope.

"I'm sorry, I won't laugh at your fears nor use a motorbike when you're with me," Lou said sincerely, ostensibly regretting her reactions earlier. Ven stopped, which made Lou stop too, and looked up at her. "Now, friends?" Lou said, pouting like a toddler.

Ven shakes her head in incredulity. "Apology accepted. And FYI, I have a fear of excessive speed, not some motorbike."

"Oh, okay. Yay!" Lou whisper shouted. "Now that we are friends again, please don't tell Debbie to think twice, alright?"

Ven glares at Lou.

"I'm sorry!" Lou squealed.

Meanwhile, Luke is sniper-ready, already on the edge of the sky crane operated by Levi.

"Crane loses control. Very dangerous! Stay off the roof," An Asian man working on the sky crane said to the walkie-talkie, connecting to Peyton's men.

He was held hostage by Levi.

"What do you mean to leave the roof? Because I will fuck you up," A muscular man retorted.

"You will not fuck me up. Motherfucker. Motherfucker. Motherfucker, you don't talk to me like this!" The Asian man asserted, raging in both anger and fear. Anger for the arrogant man on the other line and anxiety for the gun pointed at his head.

"What?" The man on the other line asks in confusion as he hears some foreign language that is being used.

"I'll smash you like a bitch!" The Asian man said out of panic.

"No, that's enough," Levi whispered, shaking his head dramatically.

The Asian man nodded. "Bye!" And the line went off.

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