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M1: Mansion Invasion

Several hours later...

Two real pilots came in to take charge and kicked Lou and Debbie out of the pilot compartment, well, not literally kicked.

The duo went out, only to witness everyone staring at them. Lou slightly furrowed her brows while Debbie's attention was on the skydiving suit.

"Bunch of pussies," Debbie muttered, already figuring it out.

Lou, who heard her, looked at her puzzled.

Debbie then walked to where the suit is and takes it without a word being said. Danny rolled his eyes at his siblings. The 34-year-old brunette then went to the comfort room to change.

"What just happened?" Lou asked, breaking the silence.

Neil clears his throat and spoke hesitantly, "Red P Dragon is Peyton Reel's crew name. We found out that he was the one who sent those masked men to abduct Lewis Miguel and Denise Ocean at Tampa. Lermain remembered him as father's former associate, but Dad knew about his evil plans and he wanted to end everything between them, Peyton got furious and shoot his shot." Niel explained with a serious tone.

"Also, there is a piece of object that we'll be needing in a secured mansion in the shore of Balatonlelle. That object is crucial, it'll help us expose every single evil deed Peyton has done for the past three decades. If we accomplish that, Mr. Somebody will give us another three years of peaceful living," Danny added while crossing his arms against his chest.

Since Mr. Somebody knows about some of their heist histories, instead of locking them behind bars, he finds their potential for catching rascals because of their intelligence and skills. Peyton Reel, on the other hand, was one of the people who are worse than what Ocean is doing.

However, what is Ocean without their family bond? They still manage to pull off some heists behind Mr. Somebody and they always always can frame somebody flawlessly, but of course, they make sure that somebody has a bad reputation.

"What was that for?" Lou asked, pointing at where Debbie has gone using her thumb finger.

"It's her duty, along with these three skilled gentlemen, to get that piece of an object," Luke answered crossing his arms, gnawing his fingernails. A habit of most of the Ocean siblings when they're anxious.

"Or we can say that we're all terrified of heights," Lovi said nonchalantly.

Lou looked at them in amusement. "So, you are all bunch of pussies?" She said, with her husky voice.

Krista blinked twice before looking away. The male Oceans just sighs in shame. Although there are reasons why the Ocean siblings are afraid of heights, including Debbie. But unlike the rest, Debbie showed that she's tough and fearless and that she can do whatever the world can offer to her. Luke, Lermain, Lionel, and Lovi did try to get rid of the trauma by throwing themselves into the air but just a glimpse of the land below them almost made them faint, so in the end, they didn't force it.

Little do they know, that it's rough for Debbie to fight the feeling. That traumatic feeling they once felt when they were still young and permanently stayed within themselves until now.

Debbie on the other side of the door can hear the conversation, sighs.

She didn't take off her clothes, instead, she directly put on the new comfortable onesie suit.

Her heart palpitates as she sees herself in the mirror.

"It's alright, Debbie. You can do this, you're better than this," Debbie tried to console herself. She always does because no one would.

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