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"Ha! Piece of cake," Lovi exclaimed and plopped down on the couch.

The team is currently sitting on an all-around couch, some are tired and sleepy, and some are still energized. Peyton and Roderick Reel are currently being interrogated by Mr. Somebody, Danny, and Damien in the interrogation room.

"That's because the Reels are dumb, men like them can always be manipulated by women," Niel responded and glances at Debbie who's playing the tip of her hair. They are still dressed but they looked like someone ravished them.

"Alright, I'm off to sleep," Luke announced. All except Debbie and Lou followed while some of them are yawning.

Debbie was expecting to be alone in the living room but when she looked around, Lou was there drinking her half-empty coffee, looking at her innocently, like she's waiting for Debbie to give her the attention she deserves. The ex-lawyer quirked her left eyebrow.

Lou sunk on her seat while still looking at Debbie.

"What?" Debbie asks, a ghost of a smile lingering on her face.

Lou shakes her head in slow motion, still staring at Debbie like a lost little kid. Debbie sighs and turned her whole body towards her, her head resting on her left knuckles. "Is there something on my face?"

"Nothing," the blonde responded in a low voice.

"Okay? Then why are you staring at me like that?"

"Is it forbidden?"

"No, it's creepy."

"Can't I admire the face of my future wife?" Lou countered.

Debbie's eyes widen shortly and looked around the living room. "Who's your wife?" Debbie mimicked her tone.

"Uh, you? Why? Do you see someone here other than us?"

"I think you need sleep," Debbie then sat up and fixed her dress, ready to turn her back from the sitting blonde.

"I think I only need you," Lou countered in a hoarse voice.

Debbie's neck heated. She then lightly chuckled at the statement and turned to her with a playful smile.

"I'm really starting to think you came from an asylum," she said and crosses her arms against her chest.

Lou's eyes twinkle at the sight before her, six feet apart. She sits properly and crossed her legs.

"Why are you always saying that I'm crazy?"

"Aren't you?"

Lou scoffs and sat up. Debbie forgot to breathe for three seconds as the blonde stands taller than her but she contained her expression normal. The taller woman walks near the brunette, her breath hitched as Debbie's hypnotizing scent fills her nostrils.

She didn't stop walking towards her while Debbie is stepping backward.

"What I like about you is that you're nothing compared to those girls who got mesmerized the moment they land their eyes on me. You're... different," Lou's hands are on her pant's pocket while still walking towards Debbie. "You're like a mess puzzle..." She paused for a moment and smirks when Debbie can no longer walk backward as her back was leaning on the wall. There's no more escaping for her. "That I want to put together."

Their faces are inches apart. Debbie is mentally praying the God above that Lou couldn't hear the wild beating of her heart. She's nervous by this time, not because she felt something towards the blonde, but because their lips are merely touching. One move and it will collide.

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