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Party Crashers

Two hours later...

Debbie woke up from a horrible dream. Her eyes squinted as she scans the surroundings and the first person she saw is Lou in her vest, her cleavage on display, and with a loosened necktie and her hair barely tied.

"Good evening, Missus Boss," Lou greeted with a sly smile.

Debbie closed her eyes again and sighs deeply.

"Happy to see me?" Lou asks playfully.

"Not when you're that crazy person asking for a marriage," Debbie muttered inaudibly and tried to sit. She winces in pain but it's nothing she couldn't manage.

"Luck was on your side, huh?" Lou said, smirking.

Debbie hums and awkwardly sits there. She was glancing everywhere but Lou, who now and then glancing towards Debbie.

"Want some water?" Lou offered after a minute of awkward silence.

"Sure," Debbie answered politely.

Lou walks away to get Debbie a glass of water. Ven then scooted next to Debbie who's still a little disappointed because she didn't die in the process or get in a coma. But it was just a single shallow wound, mildly serious.

Ven was chuckling funnily. "Hm. So, uh, how's the progress of this little marriage proposal?" She asks as she makes little weird hand gestures.

Debbie frowned shortly at her little sister. "Does she have a little damage in her brain or something?" Debbie joked, but with a serious face.

"Perhaps. But never seen her court someone, especially when on a mission. At least, that's what I noticed before I "quitted" heist." Ven replied, trying to recall the past events that have happened to them. "Though Lou Miller is a remarkable playboy- girl whatsoever. But really, when it comes to mission, she has never been eager to know someone, let alone show interest. I also heard, she just fucks then leaves instantly-"

Debbie's eyes widen at her sister's words and slightly panic when she saw Lou is on her way back, she suddenly sits properly and shushes her sister.

"Shut up, she's coming."

Ven glanced in her direction shortly and clears her throat, and then plays with the hem of her sister's shirt while humming a song. Great pretender.

"Oh hey, Lou," Ven acknowledges like she didn't spill some information to her sister.

Lou nodded at her. "What are you both talking about?" She asks as she hands the glass of water to Debbie, who gratefully took it.

Ven breathes raggedly. "Oh, just about Andrew."


Debbie shoots her sister a warning look while still sipping on her water. Ven's eyes widen in realization.

"W-who's Andrew?" Ven stammered.

"I don't know, you said it," Lou replied, being suspicious.

"I said that? No, I said it's about admin," she lied poorly that her sister slightly rolls her eyes at her.

Lou pursed her lips shortly and just shrugs her shoulders despite the growing confusion.

"Girls, take a rest. Tomorrow will be a long day," Mr. Somebody announced as he walks to where the three girls are.

"Lou, I'll remind you again that you'll leave by five in the morning tomorrow, together with Levi, Niel, Lovi, Luke, and Krista. Tonight, you won't be sleeping here with the rest of the team," Mr. Somebody instructed and taps her shoulder. "Go now, they're waiting for you downstairs."

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