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Good Night

It's a lovely evening. The weather is quite pleasant, the blows of the wind are tremendous. It's scarce to witness such a calm night, especially when the sound of waves is hitting smoothly to the shore. She missed the feeling of being free from the chaos of the outside world. The moonlight and stars above amplify the serenity.

If given a chance, she would choose this life. Never mind the city life if it only provides her with massive stress and noise. She's exhausted with people pretending to be happy and trying to be included in something special.

Deborah sighs. This is why she wants to die very soon. She is no longer interested in anything; she thought of going to therapy but realized that she had to share her sentiments with another human being. And so, that's something she doesn't normally do. But above all the intentions, if someone gives her a reason to stay, she would. In fact, she'll give her all to that person.

"Do you mind if I join you?" A voice called out, a voice she's growing to recognize.

Lou sat next to her.

"No, not really," Debbie responded softly, not looking back at Louise Miller.

"It's a great night, isn't it?" Lou said and breathed out.

"It's gorgeous."

Lou gazed at her longingly.

How can someone be so beautiful without even trying? The light of the moon above enhances her hidden features. Long lashes curved faultlessly, flickering brows, lips look so soft, and eyes so delicate and mysterious. Just by looking at her brown orbs makes me want to know all her deepest secrets.

"You're staring too much," Debbie broke the silence.

Lou's eyes widened for a few seconds. "I-i'm sorry, I didn't realize," she stammered. She sat properly beside her and gazed at the horizon.

Nobody talked for a little while.

"Your eyes are gleaming," Debbie broke the silence.

Lou was caught off guard. Her cheeks flushed in crimson as she tried to look at everything except the eyes of the woman whom she had fallen to ever since she laid eyes on her.

"I-i thank y-you," once again, she stammered. She doesn't appreciate her change of behavior; she should be the one making the brunette blush, but it seems the table turned.

Compose yourself and stop acting like a teenager in love — the blonde thought.

"Yours is beautiful."

Debbie just hummed and silently watched the waves crashing through the shore.

"Uh, vodka?" Lou offered the bottle she had brought.

"I'm not a vodka type of person."

The blonde furrowed her brows in bewilderment.

"What? It's one of the best things in the world," she defended while scanning the bottle of vodka.

"YOUR world, not mine. I prefer champagne," Deborah smirked as she saw how Louise's expression changed.

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