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Estrange Ocean

48 hours later...

Everyone is hanging out in the living room after their decent meal together. They are all together again for the first time since they arrived. Some of them are playing poker while smoking.

"So, Debbie. Why haven't I met her again?" Lou asks on the last sip of her cigar. She couldn't just stop talking about Debbie, it is like she's compelled by her.

"And we're still on this subject?" Krista questioned in low voice.

"Uh, yes? We've known each other for more than a decade, but still, I haven't met her, let alone seen her face."

"That's because when you're around, she isn't." Lermain blurted out from across the living room.

"Eavesdrop much?"

"No, it's just that you have a loud voice." Lermain deadpanned.

"So, she knows me?"

"What made you think of that?" Ven.

"Because she's avoiding me. As she said, when I'm around, she chose not to show up. What have I done to her? I don't even know her!" Lou said in defense. Her mind is traveling back to the early times of the heist where she probably seen Debbie or bumped into her but she couldn't recall anything.

"Calm down, twit. When you were around, she has another thing going on." Lovi said while puffing the cigar.

"Or she's seen me and chose not to interact with me," Lou said, discouraging herself.

"Or you're just overthinking," Ven sassed.

Lou rolled her eyes.

"Is it just I or destiny is playing with me. Seriously." She shakes her head in dismay.

"Nah, just you."

"Don't worry, you'll meet her very soon. I'm hundred percent that she'll show up this time." Ven encouraged the people in that room, especially herself.

Weeks ago, she was bumped into her sister while touring in Russia and she was sure she's going to faint when she saw her long-lost sister. They haven't seen Debbie after she left for Europe.

"D-Debbie? I thought you're somewhere in Europe?" Ven asked in astonishment. She couldn't believe that after nine years, Debbie is in front of her. And her dress is still on point.

"Lavender?" Debbie asked back.

The sister duo was in a restaurant after bumping into each other.

"What are you doing here in Russia?" Debbie asks as she chews the food.

Ven was still staring at Debbie. She's in deep awestruck. Seeing her favorite sister after these years is just so uncanny. She was fifteen the last time she saw Debbie.

"I- how are you?" That's the only words she can mutter.

"To be honest?"

Ven nodded vigorously.

"I intentionally fucked up my previous case which was happened... three years ago, I think. They filed a case against me and plead guilty. Imprisoned for two years. Became my old self again: Conning. That's what I do until now. Life's insane, I ran out of ideas on what to do with my life," Debbie explained cooly and sighs. Honestly speaking, Debbie can show her real emotions to Lavender and Lavender only when it comes to her siblings. Well, aside from Danny himself.

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