Chapter 5- Grover

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I'm usually never picky about my food. I will literally eat anything. But if you eat nothing but sushi for three days, it gets old. Me and Annabeth had complained about it together last night. Percy was just wondering how we could get tired of it and stuffed his face again. Not again. Not for breakfast.


It had been Annabeth's idea to hide from attackers underwater. It's pretty confusing but basically Percy controlled the water levels to rise leaving a dry patch at the bottom. There of course was also a thin canal through the water to the surface to let air in. Percy could hold the water up for us in his sleep. Literally, so far it had stayed up while he slept. Or pretended to.

I doubt he actually did sleep. Not since Tyson dyed. And it wasn't just because of how broken up he was. He blamed himself for it. There was no way to convince him it wasn't his fault. That plus he was terrified of something happening to Annabeth.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Look, man I am sick of raw fish and seaweed. I'm just gonna go up and grab some berries or something," I said. I was pretty sure he wouldn't like the idea of me going up alone, and I was right.

"Grover, I'll go with you," he said.

"Percy, I'll be fine bro. There's a few bushes just off the bank. You stay here with Annabeth," I said. I said this because it was obvious he'd rather be here protecting Annabeth than me. I was a bit disappointed that we weren't as close as before, when he and Annabeth had started dating, but I wasn't angry. I was the same way with Juniper so it wasn't all his fault. It wasn't like I was alone without him hanging out all the time. So we were cool.

"Yeah, you're right," Percy replied, shrugging off his nervous thoughts.

"Ok I'll just swim up." Percy bent the water water down so I could jump in it. It was weird. Like jumping into a pool, only up instead of down. The water was a lot colder than the temperature on the dry lake bottom.

I swam to the top of the lake until I reached the surface. I grasped the edge and swung myself over onto the grass. Ah, sweet grass. I couldn't help it. As I crawled up I may have taken a few bites. It was such a relief from fish. But I told Annabeth I'd bring her back something. So I got up and walked over to a bush full of nuts I could tell were edible. Just as I started to pick a few I heard a rustle from the tree. And being a satyr I could tell it wasn't an animal. I dropped the berries and ran to the lake until my hoof got caught on something and I face dived into the dirt.

I looked up to see a glowing rope-no whip-wrapped around my hoof. Holding the other end of the whip was a girl blocking my path back to the lake. Her hair was the color like the ink of her strange tattoos. I recognized her. Isabelle Lightwood from District 4.

She didn't seem even the slightest bit confused by my goat legs which made a bit of sense seeing that she and the others from 4 hunted evil creatures that probably look even stranger. I yanked my leg back as hard as I could and pulled the whip out of her hands. It uncoiled itself as I ran.

I'm really glad I found the materials to make and charm new reef pipes yesterday. And I guess Percy was right to make me bring the reed pipes with me to the surface. I had something for self defense. The girl picked up her whip. Before I could use the reed pipes I turned and saw I was being tag teamed. Another tribute with tattoos ran towards me until he noticed the girl. No they weren't allies because the guy stopped and pulled out a dagger aiming it at both of us.

The girl and I stopped. We were near a cliff. I really hated the person who designed this arena to be one circular plateau with steep, lethalI cliffs on the edges. I blew hard and fast into my reed pipes controlling a vine to grow up and knock the knife out of the boy's hand and bind him to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the glowing flash of the girl's whip. I turned to be lashed in the arm making me drop my pipes.

"A vine for a vine," mocked the girl with gritted teeth. Okay, no more Mr. Nice Grover. I charged at her knocking her towards the edge.

"Buck off, goat man," she spat the words out of her mouth along with blood.


I got on my hands and knees and drove my hoofs into her chest. I hit her hard, shoving her clear off the edge. I stood and brushed off my hands to the sound of a cannon. I turned to see the other tribute still struggling on the ground.

Satyrs can sense the presence of a demigod. And the unmistakeable smell of it hit me. Percy and Annabeth must have left the lake. No it wasn't them; it didn't smell as strong as they did, with their powerful godly parentage. I thought Percy and Annabeth were the only halfbloods. This scent was like the demigods were never claimed and too old not to be. It smelled like there was more than one of them. It smelled like children of the goddess of magic, Hecate.

I turned to see four tributes appear out of thin air. They pulled out sticks that shot colored bursts. So the wizards from District 5 were Hecate demigods! It explained their powers. A green flash struck the boy that was wrapped in my vine and he finally quit struggling. Another cannon. Uriah had been his name, I think.

I tried to run but I froze in my tracks at a flash of blue. Some kind of binding spell. I willed my legs to move but I was stuck. I started to say something but never got that far before they shot another spell at me. The same one that killed the other boy.

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