Chapter 17- Saved

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"You're friends should be here any minute." A man says filling a syringe with something. You were still stuck in the small room, but people would come in and inject stuff into you.
"What's that for?" You ask, your eyes stuck on the syringe scared of what was in it.
"Just a little something that will help speed up the process of you bleeding to death." You try your best not to cry but it was hard knowing you were going to die soon. You knew you were going to internally bleed to death. But the process of it was so slow so far that you couldn't feel anything yet.
"I- I don't- but I can't." You say, a sad tone lingering in your voice as you give up and accept defeat.

I miss Bucky. And Tony. And Nat. And Steve. And everyone else. I wanna go home.

The man walks over and injects you with the liquid. You wince in pain, you feel a stinging in your arm where he injected you at.
"How long do I have?"
"Not long," the man says and then walks out. Leaving you alone in the cell. You try breaking the chain out of the wall, hoping it will work. First you try pulling, then using your hands to pry it out. After about 15 minutes you begin to feel tired and give up. You feel the room start spinning and you can't see straight. You fall to your knees and start coughing, when you notice it's blood you're coughing up.
"Help," you try and say towards the window before blacking out.
"Is she still alive?" A man says walking into the room.
"Just make sure she isn't." Another man says from outside the room.
He comes over and checks your pulse to see you are still alive.
"Ew the ants are so bad in here," he says in disgust as his phone starts going off. He answers it and is immediately star struck to hear the news. "What do you mean the system has been shut down?" He goes to the door but sees it's shut and locked. "Hey! Open the door."
"What's the password?" A man says from the other side. "You know what, never mind. Just turn around."
The man turns around to see the entire floor covered with ants except for two foot prints.
"What the?" He is immediately was cut off by a man who seemed to appear out of nowhere.
"I found Bri, and a little friend." The magic man said looking at the man.
"Hey you can't be in here."
"I'm gonna feel bad for doing this." And without a second thought he punches the man in the face so hard that he goes unconscious.
"And by the way the names Antman." Scott quickly turns around to you unconscious on the floor. "Guys we need a doctor or something."

Scott explains where you guys are and within seconds Tony blasts through the wall.
"Where is she!" Scott slightly shifts revealing your limb body. "No no no. Don't do this to me Bri." Bucky turns the corner into the room and drops to his knees the moment he sees you. Tears welling in his eyes at the sight of your body.
"Friday, check what's wrong."
"She has an internal bleeding and no pulse found."
"No!" And without another second wasted Tony flies out of the base with your body in his arms.
"Tony!" Bucky yells at him as he watches the red and gold suit fly away.

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