Chapter 23- A God

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You woke up in Bucky's bed. The sun peaking through the curtains. You turn over and see Bucky, who was already awake.
"Good morning," you say snuggling your head into his chest.
"Good morning Doll."
"Bucky why are we in your bed? I thought I fell asleep in my bed."
"I thought a change of scenery would help." It made your heart melt how much he cared about you.
"Thanks, I need to talk to Thor."
"May I ask why?"
"Well when I was on Asgard Loki kept telling me I wasn't human. That I was something else since I managed to survive losing so much blood. Then he father, Odin, said it was a miracle. And since then Thor has been acting weird so I thought I'd ask."
"Do you want me to go with you?"
"Sure," his face filled up with excitement at the thought you of wanting him there. You get up out of his bed and start walking to the door when you feel two hands on your waist. One warm and one cold.
"What?" You manage to say through giggles.
"You can't go out dressed like that." Bucky points to you referring to your sports bra and spandex. Since Bucky had found out about you cutting you didn't try to hide your cuts, but you were embarrassed when he saw them. You go to his closet and grab your favorite sweatshirt of his and throw it on.
"Now?" You asks showing off the hoodie you were wearing.
"Perfect," Bucky says leaning down and planting a kiss on your forehead.

You guys head to go look for Thor. First you head to Tony's lab to say good morning, considering you were up before 10.
"Good morning Tony!"
"Well good morning Bri, you're up early." He says double checking the time on his watch.
"Wanted to catch Thor before he went and did god things."
"Alright, I'll see you in a bit."
"See ya!" And with that you and Bucky were walking again.

"Maybe he's in the kitchen?" Bucky says grabbing your wrist.
"Shoot! I'm sorry Bri, I forgot."
"It's okay, what's with all the excitement?"
"I'm eager to see what you want to talk to Thor about."
"Okay," you grab his hand and start leading him to the kitchen. You guys walks in and see Thor sitting at the table eating pop tarts.

"Oh, hey guys!" He waves to Bucky who stands a little behind you.
"So I wanted to talk to you about something. In Asgard Loki kept saying these things to me. Not saying I believe them, but I'm just confused on what he meant I guess."
"He told you that you weren't human."
"Precisely." You say trying to not freak out.
"Wait what?" Bucky chimes in from the corner his eyes wide. "You aren't human?"
"No I am! At least I think, last time I checked I was."
"Bri, there's something you should know."
"What?" The worry in your voice was obvious you were scared.
"Have you ever heard of Phanes?"
"The Greek god of life and creation? Yes they taught me about him in mythology."
"Well there's a few details they left out in your books. When we fought the Frost Giants Phanes came down to try and help settle the world and he brought his younger sister. The goddess of life and creation. Well after the war she had went missing. No one could find her, that was until you showed up with Tony."
"Wait so you're saying I'm the sister of Phanes? That's impossible I have human parents."
"Ever wonder why you don't look like your parents?"
"Thor you're being crazy, Bucky back me up here!"
"Doll, I'm not saying he's right. But you're refusing to believe him about it. I mean it could be true. He is a god and comes from a place out of fairytales."
"You're crazy! I'm not a god!"
"No way! Thor!" You all turn your heads to see Scott in the doorway. "Sorry I just haven't met him yet."
"Scott, you were there when I was rescued from Hydra?"
"Yeah they called me last minute and needed help getting into your cell."
"And I appreciate it so much," you say putting an arm over his shoulders. "Now can you back me up here on something?"
"Sure," Scott says energetically.
"You can agree that I'm not a god."
"Bri you're in denial," Thor says trying to approach you.
"If I'm a god then why don't I have powers or anything?"
"You haven't discovered them yet. You're the goddess of life, how do you think you survived nearly bleeding to death?"
"Wait you're a goddess?" Scott looks at you with his eyes wide open. Not wanting to miss a single detail.
"No!" You storm out of the room.
"She'll come around," Thor says and walks out. Bucky running after you.

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