:Ch11: 。^‿^。

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≒≀≓.      ~      ≒≀≓.
The Next Day
≒≀≓.      ~      ≒≀≓.


I woke up and felt a bit hungry. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as I yawned. After rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes, I looked around an saw the others were asleep.

I saw smiles asleep next to me an I petted his head as I got up. I went to my backpack and opened it. I grabbed an arrow and cut the apples up for smiles.

Seedeater didn't look like he ate normal food so I got out the bacon and quickly went to make a fire. I got mud and used sticks to hold up more sticks over a fire an put the bacon on the ones over the fire to cook them.

I then grabbed my bow an saw I was running out of arrows. I put the not so perfect cuts of apples next to smiles an then ran off to look for a cabin.


I came back to the cave an saw everyone was awake an looked confused. I put out the fire an grabbed the bacon pieces off.

"Where did you go?" Lj asked

"She went out for supplies." Kage said," I followed her."

I nodded and had a full stock of arrows again.

"I left apple slices for smiles and wasn't sure what to give seedeater so I cooked some bacon while I was out." I said

"He eats-"

"Let him eat the bacon." Jeff said an covered ej's mouth," just let him eat the bacon."

"Can I have bacon too?" Smiles asked

"Yes." I smiled

I gave one to smiles as I gave the rest to seedeater.

"Wow she takes better care of them than their owners." The woman said," and their owners are right here."

"You wanna fight me jane?" Jeff growled," I will fight you!"

I chuckled a bit at them and then saw the puppeteer guy floating above me.

"You broke my jaw." He said

"You threw me into mud twice." I replied

"You stabbed my leg!" He said

"You cut my back an stuck your fingers in it!" I replied

"You shot me!" He said

"You cut my arm!" I replied

"You slapped me with mud!" He said

"You shoved me out of a tree." I replied, crossing my arms and being victorious

"Fuck I can't remember anything else!" He complained

He then held out his fist to me an chuckled.

"I didn't think any of you were strong enough to actually stab or shoot us." He said," nice job."

I gave him a fist bump and smiled a bit more. I then looked at jane, I think her name was, as she was standing by ej.

"I'm jane." She said," and thank you, not many people have the curtesy of complementing a killer in the middle of a hunt."

"Is it cause they're busy screaming and running away?" I asked

"Yes." She laughed

"An because she's ugly." Jeff said

Ej grabbed janes shoulders and stopped her from probably murdering jeff.

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