:Ch12: <(。_。)>

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"Damn she didn't even say a word, she just booked it." Jeff said

"Well brute and brainy look like close friends so I can see why she would wanna go see if he's around or alive." Masky said

"Y-yeah! The-they've known eac-e-each other since chi-child-ho-hood." Toby said," remember?"

"Oh yeah." I said

"Um? Hello? Explain!" Jane said," some of us are new bets!"

We explained to them the whole story about Y/N and her life before as we chased after her.

"Thats why she has those big and obvious scars?!" Jane asked angry

They stopped her and tried to calm her down as the rest of us tried to catch up to Y/N.

'Welp brainy looks like you are favored...'


I saw cameron and he was hiding behind a bush holding his stomach. I readied an arrow and saw a guy come out an attack.

I shot him and hit his arm as he yelped and jumped back. Cameron looked at me and his eyes widened with joy.

"Y/N!!" He celebrated

"Cameron!" I cheered with a smile

He got up an still held his stomach as he ran to me. He hugged me tight as I put my bow down and felt so relieved.

"You're alive!!" He said relieved

"Yeah I'm alive!" I said," but are you okay? Are you hurt or-"

"Y/N watch it!" Smiles said

I shoved cameron off as he fell and a knife hit my shoulder. I yelped but readied an arrow an shot at the other guy, he dodged an ran behind a tree.

I took the knife out and cameron got up and put his back against mine as we were on guard.

"Allies?" Cameron asked

"Seedeater and smile dog, you?" I asked

"BRVR." He replied," bets?"

"A lot." I replied

"Understandable." He replied," you are the best."

"Says you." I scoffed as a tease

I saw the guy come out and I threw the knife at him only to stick it into the ground. I readied an arrow as cameron aimed his gun in the direction of the guy.

I put my back against his incase someone else came in to third party. Cameron started to fire his gun and I turned to pin point the guy as he ran behind another tree.

I kept a steady aim and the guy came out, I fired my arrow and hit his shoulder as cameron tackled the guy.

I readied another arrow an looked around to see if anyone else was coming. I then aimed at the guy on the ground as cameron had him pinned.

"Damn, you guys teamed up." He said a bit in pain," I was hoping you wouldn't."

"Lui place your bets and follow them." Slender man said

Cameron got off him as I stopped aiming and relaxed.

"Nice!" Cameron cheered

"That was badass!" I said, complementing him

"You were badass, what do you mean?? You saved my ass!" He teased

I put the arrow away and just smiled. I hugged him tight and was so glad he was alive.

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