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Over the next few nights, Alexis had felt that same feeling again

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Over the next few nights, Alexis had felt that same feeling again.

They had moved on from Ireland to Scotland, and were eventually going to make their way to London soon because the girls wanted to see it.

Alexis opened the curtains and stared out of the window, her heart pounding.

She put her hand against her chest and sighed.

"Alex. Are you feeling it again?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah. It's like the universe is trying to tell me something." Alexis answered.

Alexis's eyes then started to dart around the room.

"Look at me."

Wanda tucked Alexis's hair behind her ears as she looked up at her, then put her hands on her cheeks. Alexis kissed Wanda's hand, then softly placed it on the left side of her chest where her heart was.

"What do you feel?" Alexis asked, looking between each of Wanda's large, green eyes.

Wanda then closed her eyes and used her powers on Alexis.

"I just feel you." Wanda whispered.

Alexis then grabbed Wanda's cheeks and pressed her lips onto Wanda's.

Wanda stumbled back and fell back onto the bed of their hotel room. She deepened the kiss and lied back as Alexis got on top of her.

Wanda's hands were entangled in Alexis's hair and Alexis began to travel down to Wanda's jawline and neck.

"Mm, mon amore." Wanda swallowed.

She then flipped Alexis over and straddled her, beginning to remove her tank top.

Just then, their door opened and they immediately jumped apart, Alexis turned the two invisible.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt your...uh, romantic moment, but Vision's yellow gem is glowing." Ryan informed.

Alexis made the two females visible once more and looked over at each other.

Ryan led them to his hotel room and they saw Vision sitting at the edge of his bed in his human form, his icy blue eyes stuck to the old, grey carpet of the hotel room.

"Vis?" Wanda furrowed her eyebrows.

Vision stood up and walked over to the red-head

"Wanda, it's the stone. It's like it's speaking to me." Vision informed.

The gem then sparked, and started glowing even brighter.

"Hey." Wanda gave him a look.

Vision gently grabbed Wanda's hand and put it to her head.

"Tell me what you feel?" Vision asked.

Wanda asked and used her powers on the used her powers on the stone embedded in Visison's head.

"Just you, Vis. Just you." Wanda nodded.

She then dropped her hands to her side and Vision have a slight nod.

"Why don't we all go for an evening stroll? The fresh air may do us all good." Alexis spoke up.

"That's a great idea." Wanda agreed.

"You two go. Vision and I will stay here and keep watch over the rooms until you guys get back." Ryan decided.

"Alright. See you two soon."

The two girls then went to put light coats on and Wanda put on a dark beanie, making her look adorable and Alexis pulled her hair back into a ponytail, then placed her hat on.

They then left the hotel, hand in hand, and started walking together.

"So, have you been thinking about going back?" Wanda asked

"What?" Alexis furrowed her eyebrows.

"To your dad, I mean. You did say at one point that you were going to go back and see him, then come back to me." Wanda clarified.

"Sure, I've been thinking about it, of course I have, he's my dad." Alexis shrugged.

"Well, there's a 10:00 am to London we could get on before you go back and see him." Wanda informed.

"What if we miss that train?" Alexis raised her eyebrows.

"Then we take the 11:00 one." Wanda answered.

Alexis sighed and stopped walking. "What if we just missed all the trains?"

"Mon amore, what're you talking about?" Wanda tilted her head.

"What if I don't go back and see him? What if I stay with you?" Alexis offered.

"But you said you needed to go back and see him. He is your dad. You said that too, not even five minutes ago!" Wanda reminded.

"I know." Alexis draped her arms around Wanda's shoulders. "But I'd rather be here with you."

"Well, you do know there are others who need to see us, me, as well, right? We both made promises." Wanda said.

"Not to each other we didn't. For two years we've been running around this whole continent, wondering when we'd have to go back and see these other people we've made promises to and go back and see my father, but I don't care about any of those things. All I care about is you. And this...Personally, I think that this—."

"Works." Wanda finished. "It works."

"So, we're going to stay with each other, right?"

Wanda's eyes then travelled over to the television behind Alexis's head.

"Wanda, what—."

Alexis then turned around and saw that there were spaceships and aliens causing destruction in New York.

Wanda put a hand over her mouth and Alexis squinted.

"What the hell is that?" She whispered.

"It must've been what the stone was warning Vision about." Wanda muttered.

It then showed a picture of Tony Stark and that he was missing.

"Dad." Alexis whispered.

She then walked up to the screen and touched it. She closed her eyes, her lips quivering, then turned back to Wanda, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"M-maybe I was wrong, Wanda, maybe I should go."

Alexis then started to walk away, still facing Wanda.

"No, Alex. Alex, if that's true, then maybe going isn't the best idea."

"Wands, I—."

Just then, Alexis felt something pierce her shoulder. She let out a loud groan and fell to the floor.

"Alexis!" Wanda yelled.

Wanda was probably right. If they're already getting attacked, then maybe leaving each other was a bad idea.

Infinite Love • Wanda Maximoff  {BOOK 3}Where stories live. Discover now