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The Quinjet had arrived in Wakanda, landing down, T'Challa, Okoye, and the rest of the warriors shanind in front

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The Quinjet had arrived in Wakanda, landing down, T'Challa, Okoye, and the rest of the warriors shanind in front.

Steve and Natasha stepped off first, then Rhodey and Bruce, next we're Alexis and Wanda, and last were Ryan and Vision.

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something." Steve said to T'Challa.

The two shook hands and Bruce cleared his throat, going to bow for T'Challa, Ryan doing the same thing.

"Uh, we don't do that that here." T'Challa shook his head.

"Idiots." Alexis shook her head.

"He is a king, Lexi!"

"And you're still an idiot."

"It's quite beautiful here." Wanda interrupted.

"It's not our London, but it sure is gorgeous." Alexis looked around, admiring the landscape and all of the vibrant colors.

They started walking behind T'Challa, him leading them somewhere else.

"How big of an assault should we expect?" T'Challa asked.

"Uh, sir, sir I think you should expect quite a big assault." Bruce responded.

"It's going to be from a purple grape and a bunch of stupid aliens." Alexis rolled her eyes.

"I'm pretty sure he also has a nut sack chin." Ryan added.

Alexis pointed to her best friend, agreeing with him.

"Well, Mrs. Stark and Mr. Baker, when you put it like that, it does not sound too serious."

"Oh, trust me, it is. Also, call me Alexis, not Mrs. Stark. I'm his daughter, not his wife." Alexis shook her head.

"Noted." T'Challa said.

"How are we looking?" Natasha asked.

"You will have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and..." T'Challa pointed.

They then saw a long haired, brunette man walking toward them.


Alexis swallowed and held her head high, pushing those past memories out of her head.

"And a semi-stable 100-year-old man." Bucky finished.

Steve then hugged his best friend. "How you been, Buck."

"Uh, not bad for the end of the world." Bucky replied.

"He's pretty cute." Ryan whispered, looking Bucky up and down.

Alexis rolled her eyes and swatted her arm.

He then looked over and saw Alexis.

"Alexis." He gave her an apologetic look.

She waved him off, then clutched her stomach which had started throbbing again.

"Water under the bridge."

He nodded and Wanda grasped her hand, everyone making their way inside the lab where Shuri, T'Challa's younger sister was.

She was a clever girl for her age, Alexis immediately taking a liking to her when she met her.

The young scientist had Vision lying down, scanning him up and down.

"Woah." Bruce admired.

"The structure is polymorphic." Shuri informed.

"Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially." Bruce replied.

"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" Shuri asked.

"Because we...didn't think of it..."

"I'm sure you did your best."

"Can you do it?" Wanda asked.

"Can you save him?" Alexis added.

"Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures. It will take time, brother." Shuri explained.

"How long?" Steve asked.

"As long as you can give me."

There was then the sound of an alarm beeping.

"There's something in the atmosphere." Okoye informed.

Just then, something came crashing into the dome of Wakanda, crashing right through it.

Wanda grabbed Alexis's hand, staring out the window.

"It's too late. We need to destroy the stone now." Vision sat up.

"No!" Alexis exclaimed. "We'll fight."

"Vision get you're ass back on the table." Nat ordered.

"We will hold them off." T'Challa added.

"And you're not fighting." Wanda said.

"Excuse me?" Alexis furrowed her eyebrows.

"You're wounded, I cannot let you fight in this condition." Wanda responded.

"Mon a more." Alexis grabbed her cheeks. "I'll be okay. Both of us can't stay and we all know you need to so you can destroy the stone once it's out of his head, so you're the one who's staying. I can fight. You're not going to lose me, I'll make sure of it."

"Alright, but please be careful, Alex. Neither of us can afford to lose each other again."

The two rest their foreheads against each other and gave each other a quick kiss.

Alexis pulled away and the two closed their eyes.

"I love you. Forever and always."

"Forever and always."

They then pulled away and Alexis stood next to Steve.

"Wanda, as soon as that stone's out of his head, you blow it to hell." Steve directed.

"I will." The red-head nodded.

"Evacuate the city. Engage all defenses. And get her a weapon and this man a shield." T'Challa ordered.

They both stared at T'Challa, ready to fight.

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