Ch 2 || Start Anew || pt.1

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The storm continued on seemingly in a never ending pace. The thunder getting louder and louder. F/n looked around the chapel for something to ignite a fire with. It is getting really dark and cold. Her damp clothes also didn't help. The sun is probably setting by now but F/n couldn't tell.

Suddenly a terrifyingly loud thunder hit the earth. It shook the ground so violently that F/n almost her balance. This is bad. She has to get out before the whole structures comes crumbling down onto her. The wood of the pews is way too old and frail to protect her. She would probably get impaled to death under the woods but the outside isn't safe either

Uncertainty evident in her eyes, F/n looked back forth trying to make the best decision.

Soon it caught her eyes.

Infront of the chapel laid...

The most hideous looking creature F/n has ever seen

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The most hideous looking creature F/n has ever seen. Most of it's body is shrouded in darkness of the night and the storm. The only features clear to her are his glowing golden eyes and its flesh-tearing claws.

F/n looked at the podium and slowly started walking backwards towards it. Her eyes fixed on the creature the entire time.

"Fair maiden. I see thou have taken shelter in this forsaken chapel. " It's words echoed around in F/n's head making her shiver. She reached the podium and searched around for a cross. Fortunately for her, she did find one.

"Thou must see me as an unholy creature of the dark due to my... non-human appearance. Be not afraid fair maiden, I am just as much as god's child as thee are. Wouldst thou be kind enough to help this being out? "
F/n didn't answer or look away, she held the cross in her hand tightly. It sighed
"I can sense the disbelief in thy soul. Riddle me this fair maiden, do I either look or sound like a person trying to deceive thee ?"

F/n took a few steps back -wanting the echoing to stop or become quiter- but that seem to have made the voice louder.
"You do not exactly look like someone who is very trustworthy either. "
F/n said in a small whisper. It seemed to have heard her. It chuckled.
"Perhaps thou wouldst be more willing to help me if I looked like an eligible bachelor. " It chuckled some more which caused a blue liquid to ooze out of his mouth.

Ignoring it's remarks, F/n started to feel bad for the creature. It needed her help and she decides not to aid. If a human was lying there instead of it she would have definitely helped them by now.
"Thou do not seem to understand how deceiving looks can be. If thou were to gaze upon my human form.. thou wouldst kneel before me. My beauty knows no bound. But alas I cannot change as I do not have much strength left. I am perishing away little by little. "

F/n was done trusting people but she is also done judging things by their appearance.
"How can I, a mere human, help thee?"
"It is quite simple if I do say so myself. I need some of thine blood. A human's blood will slow down my internal bleeding. Thus withhold my demise long enough for me to reach the heaven's gates. There I shall be healed by the angels."

Cross in hand, F/n sighed. It didn't seem like the creature was lying. Besides, if it was truely evil or demonic, it will react negatively to the cross... right?

"So it shall be. I shall assist thee on thine journey back to the heavens. "
Armed with a cross behind her back, F/n ventured forward slowly. She stepped out of the safety of the chapel, the cold harsh rain soaked her form almost immediately.

She slowly made her way over to the peculiar creature. F/n put the cross down on it's body. It had no reaction. While picking it up, her hands touched it's feathers... A wave of familiarity hit her. It was the same feathers as the one in her bed chambers. F/n quickly stood up or tried to. Before she could do so, she was pinned down to the grassy fields.

Blood from her own neck dyed the grass blades red as she laid there, limp and cold.

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