Ch 2 || Betrayal's Heartache|| pt.3

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F/n lowered her gaze, pain evident in her (e/c) eyes. The nightmare was a dark prophecy. They are planning to do horrible and heinous acts against her. She saw it all!... No... f/n felt it all.

F/n felt sorrow but for some weird reason it did not come from shock and betrayal like it should have.Instead  it felt like an old wound being reopened and then salted.

She currently stood hidden behind a tree and some bushes near the cabin. The cabin walls are very thin making it easy to hear their conversation.

"Yes. At least it will work better than going straight in with a wedding proposal. "

"I still think the better option would have been Sive--"
"F/n has her head stuck in lala land. She is sheltered up in a castle full of love and luxury, ignorant of the bitter reality. All we have to do is fulfil her fantasy and she wont suspect a thing! It will be very easy given I know exactly what she wants. "

F/n could hear some gently rustling about. After a pause he spoke up
"She is the youngest of them all."
"In Étincea that really doesn't matter. Only the most talented and most capable of them shall receive the throne. F/n despite being dumb is annoyingly talented and hardworking which gives her a big advantage over her siblings."

F/n stopped listening to their conversation. It's pointless. She already knows what is going to happen. After this they are going to discuss about her brother his capabilities and such. She carefully and swiftly made her escape.

Everything felt too real to be just a dark prophecy. She must have died in that fire and was reborn. If so why wasn't she born with a new life and why did she still have her memories.

Now on to a different path. F/n put her hood down and let her hair free. The gently breeze ruffled her hair.

A bunch of question swirled around her head but she decided to push them aside for now. God gave her a second chance not to turn over a new leaf but to poison the bugs feeding off of her plants.
And you best believe she will.

"Interesting... How very interesting..."
"Pardon my intrusion, but what is 'interesting' ? The paperwork? "
"Yes... Yes. This tall mountain of paperwork that us celestial beings for some reason need to do is very... thrilling. "
"As you can probably guess I am thoroughly enjoying myself right now."
"Mr. $%&$ where are you?"
"Everyday I am this close to quitting."
"But sir you can't. Also there's no gap between your fingers"

F/n kept on walking, no destination in mind. She needed a plan before she could return. The wind picked up it's pace harder than before. The dark, overbearing almost menacing looking clouds shadowed the sky faster and faster. A storm is going to hit soon. F/n needs a shelter.

And it started raining. It's only drizzling at the moment.
"Shit! "
F/n started running not really sure on where to find shelter. And as if on cue, her (e/c) eyes caught the sight of a old chapel. A relieved smile graced her lump lips. It felt like the goddess of luck was looking down upon her. Her feet picked up speed going for the intricatly designed wooden double doors.

She opened it with a loud creak. F/n stepped in, pitter patter of the rain getting louder by minute. Her soft hands grabbed on the old door trying to close it but it didn't budge. Somehow the doors got stuck. After trying several times an irritated sigh left f/n. Standing here longer would do more damage than good as her clothes are getting soaked by the second.

She went in deeper and looked around. It is clear, the chapel has been abandoned for quite a while now. Thick layers of dust caked every surface it could find. While the corners and some part of the ceiling had in taken over by cobwebs and spider webs.

Her big (e/c) eyes scanned the spiders. The eight eyed creature didn't seem to mind her presence. So she proceeded in farther.
F/n sat down not minding the dust and started prayering. Thanking the gods for saving her.
Unbeknownst to her, the pair of golden eyes observing her just vanished into the ever growing rain.

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