Ch 2 || Faith in Destiny || pt.1

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It looked about noon when F/n had stepped out of the cabin. With a tray full of empty utensils in her hands, F/n stood on the elevated porch and observed her surroundings. Laid ahead of her, in the small clearing is a big pile of wood. Only scarce amount of sun rays penetrated the verdurous tree canopy over the clearing. It casted a warm yellow polka-dot pattern over the ground.
Beyond this laid the true forest.
Her surrounding is densely packed by trees. These trees were massive and timeless as the disappeared into the sky. Like ancient lords of the forest they loomed over her small stature darkly, their branches and leaves intertwined greatly making it almost impossible to see much far ahead.

Feeling a bit intimated by the new surroundings F/n involuntarily took a few steps back. Maybe it's for the best if she stays in. "My cherub! Did you perhaps need anything? "  Shouted Snow. Startled, F/n looked around, towards the source of the sound and there he sat, high up in the tree nook. On the branch extending from nook hung Snow's washed clothes.
The branch looked sturdy enough to hold even Snow's weight. It had no moss like growth on it unlike it's neighbouring branches. And it was up very high which give it access to plenty of sunlight.

Unlike his clothes, Snow didn't really care about drying off his body. Thus when F/n came closer to the tree, she could see droplets of water clung and slid down his dewy skin. Some shone marvelously under the golden sun rays and others got lost in his tragically beautiful scars. F/n could only wonder what stories each wound held as Snow's almost naked, muscular body worked it's way down the tall tree swiftly. It really is a mystery how that small piece of loincloth -wrapped around his glorious manhood- didn't fall off during the descend. A morbid mystery thats better if remained unsolved.

Snow stood infront of her blanket wrapped self with a big smile.
"I appreciate you carrying the utensils thus far but it's quite alright now. I shall take care of it. You may go ahead and rest on the bed till my return. Cherub "
"No I shall assist you."
F/n smiled politely hoping Snow couldn't see the guilt she was feeling for making him look after her.
"It is really not necessary, my cherub, I will gladly cook and look after you."
It almost felt like Snow could tell how she felt at any given moment. But that can't true... right?
"Please, sire I insist. "
Snow smiled displaying his pearly whites. He gently placed a hand on her head.
"Fine then my cherub, if you wish so. "

F/n always had a special attraction towards the prim and proper. A gentleman who is wise and scholarly, slender and well dressed usually had the key to her heart. Yet now looking at this beast of man's scarred body and yellow luminescent eyes, stirred something warm from deep within F/n. This feeling scared her a little.

Snow collected the tray from her. F/n's expression unreadable,
"Please hold still for a moment. I shall return."
She ran back in and removed the blanket that wrapped around her body. The cold air immediately nipped at F/n's skin, making her shiver slightly. She placed the blanket neatly on the bed. Whilst Snow stood patiently by the door waiting for her.

F/n went back out, eyes glued to the ground. The freedom of her legs came with an expense. The expense being shame and fear. Shame, as it's highly inappropriate for a lady especially of royal upbringings to expose her legs. Fear, for the judgement F/n will face now as consequence of said deed.
The cold air of the forest didn't help her guilty consciences either. Despite having all her undergarments, Snow's tunic top made F/n nervous. It is very loose fitting, obviously, and the low quality, sheer type fabric only made her feel more naked to the eyes.

"Hm.. Spare me a moment, please. " Snow ran back in making F/n sigh. She probably shouldn't have left the blanket behind or even leave the cabin honestly speaking. As her thoughts started slowly spiraling downwards. She felt the warm embrace of a familiar  fabric.
"My cloak...?"
"Yes "Snow smiled tying the cloak strings.
"You know cherub, the skin on your forearms told me all I needed to know. "
Done, he gently ruffled her (h/c) soft hair.
"Unlike your dress, which by all heavens one of the hardest thing I had to clean, the cloak didn't have too much blood. But then again it could very well be the maroon colour hiding the stains I honestly couldn't tell thee. So for the cloak I used.."
F/n stared at Snow as he went on and on about the cleaning process like he is some goddess of laundry. Soon his words swirled around her, blending into angelic melodies. That mysterious warmth in her heart stirred once again. But more turbulently.

"Oh goodness me! I am rambling again!" Snow remarked stepping down the porche. F/n chuckled hoping to hide her guilt.
"Oh it's all swell. I love hearing your voice " That is true but so is the fact that she hasn't heard most of what Snow said.
"Where are we headed towards? " F/n walked down from the porch to the ground. The soil felt pleasantly cool underneath her feet. Snow didn't answer. He seemed lost in his thoughts just like she was moments ago.

"Snow?" F/n touched Snow's massive bicep. Her small hands tapping him, trying to get his attention. Snow slightly shivered.
"Is everything fine? Are you feeling under the weather?"
"What? No.. no it's all fine. I just... no. Forgive me. We are just going towards the streams. It may be a tad bit of a walk for you but it is worth it. The scenic view is absolutely stunning. Trust me. "
F/n looked up at Snow, her (e/c) big eyes meet his soothing golden ones with honesty.
"I do. I do trust you" She smiled softly. Even if her heart is begging her to not take this risk still... F/n wants to learn to trust again.

And maybe, just maybe Snow could one day be a man she can fully trust. Someone who won't betray and hurt her like her previous lover and friend will do.
A subtle blush flushed across Snow's manly cheekbones or maybe it was the gentle rays of sun and cool forest breeze playing tricks on F/n mind.


She knocked on the heavy doors herself, dismissing the footmen. No answer. She pushed back some silky silver strands of hair out of her face and knocked once again, louder this time. "Mother, Sivelle speaking, am I come in? "
"Proceed. "
Sivelle opened the door and stepped in as gently as possible. Papers, scrolls and documents are all bestrewn on the maroon chairs and the large table. Some even landed on the carpeted marble floors. The sun has set, the chandelier were on yet the plush red curtains were still tied to the window sides. Sivelle slowly walked to the right, behind the table and chairs. She began untying and closing the curtains. Next she moved on to lighting the candles in the sconces. Every movement made by Sivelle is slow, steady and calculated as to not trigger her parents, who are hunched over in their dolour.

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