Ch 2 || Start Anew || pt.3

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With Snow gone F/n relaxed. She observed around her surroundings. F/n is in a small, well-made log cabin. She is sitting on a huge bed which covered half of cabin, on the other half is a wooden wardrobe, a wooden table with a window right above it and a wooden chair adjacent to it. F/n figured Snow made these himself. It had a rough, unpolished look that indicated such. Beside the table and the chair is the door to outside.

The cabin had a few candles here and there collecting dust. Her (e/c) eyes soon landed on the lantern hung by the window. It looked big enough to light up this cabin so she assumed the candles were never needed. F/n sighed, she wants to open the window to let some fresh air in but doesn't want to offend Snow. He was already being generous enough by tending to her wounds. She didn't want to creep around his house and touch things without his knowledge. That's incredibly impolite.

F/n instead decided to focus on her current situation. The feather belonged to that creature without a shadow of doubt. The creature seemingly targeted her and left the feather behind as a warning? invitation? threat? F/n couldn't tell. But she knew for a fact that creature didn't want to kill her. If it did. It easily could have done so, sooner.

Instead of killing her, it dropped her off somewhere deep in the forest where she could only be found by someone like Snow. Which on one hand is a relief, she did not want to be found by the royal guards or someone she knows before she has a plan, on the other hand, F/n is now trapped in the middle of nowhere with a giant, seemingly kind man.

F/n didn't trust Snow given how conveniently everything falls in place.
The creature injured her enough to knock her out, make her dependent but do no real long term damage. Also Snow just happened to stumbled upon a bleeding body in a storm, in the forest, before any other wild flesh-eating animals.
How very convenient.

Then again, even if F/n's suspicions about Snow were true, still that doesn't clear up his motivation. What motive and/or benefits would anyone have for putting her in this rather unusual circumstance?

"Cherub I am back! " Snow shouted kicking the door open. He gently placed a tray of food on the table.
"I would have gotten you some bread as well but you woke up much sooner than I anticipated. "  The delicious aroma of food filled up the cabin making F/n's mouth salivate.

She pushed the blankets off her body. The tunic blouse barely reached her knees. She had no breeches on. Which made sense as Snow's breeches would probably not fit any other human. But now, on the other hand her legs are exposed. F/n felt a massive blush creeping up her face. She immediately covered herself back up.

"You want breakfast in bed?"
F/n nodded, her head hanging low.
"Well then I guess I will have the pleasure of feeding you my cherub. "
"Fe-Feed me.. No no. Can I not just.. --"
"I am afraid not. I cannot have you spilling brothe all over my bed "
"Have some faith in me! I will be careful."
"I do have faith in you my cherub. It's just that if you are too tired to get out of bed then I do not expect your limbs to work properly just yet."

" It's not that really. It's just... that I... I cannot possibly walk around in this attire. It is very inappropriate. " F/n looked up at him with pleading eyes hoping he got her point.
"Hmm... So you wish for me to carry you like a princess?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"It's fine. I do not mind. "
"No wait nooo."

With the blanket still wrapped around her body, Snow lifted F/n up gently in his strong, big arms. He walked over to the table, then gently shifted her body onto one arm and used his other free arm to pull the chair back. Snow slowly and carefully placed F/n on the chair and pushed it back in.

"Comfortable? "
He bend over next to F/n's face and asked softly. He smelled earthy. Like various flowers, fresh greenery and maybe a bit like rain water as well. He didn't smell expensive and classy like other royals or aristocrats. His gentle smell relaxed F/n but his attractive smile kept her heart rate up.

F/n quickly nodded, hoping to get rid of the light blush dusting her cheeks. Snow smiled in response and sat down on the wooden floor beside her.
"Oh... I... Are you sitting there?... On the floor?" Snow glided his hand across the floor and with a smile on his face.
"Why yes of course. I built this floor myself after all. I clean it too and this is my home. I have no problem sitting anywhere here "
F/n's (e/c) pupils widened a tad bit. She was not prepared for such a sassy answer, although she deserved it.
"I... I understand. I apologize for any rude implications. "

Snow smiled and nodded. He is relieved. It seems hiding lie between all the truth have worked. F/n doesn't seem to have connected anything either.

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