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Cara's POV
Harry holds my hand and I surprise us both by intertwining our fingers. Harry looks down at our hands and then up at me and smiles making butterflies appear in my stomach. He leads me up the staircase and the dim lighted hallway. I hear moaning from some of the rooms and I don't even want to think what would be happening behind those doors.

Harry stops behind the fourth last door and I almost bump into him. He takes out a key from under the floor mat and opens the door with it. We step inside the room and I take it my surroundings. There's a bookshelf with lots of books in it on one corner and in front of it is a brown beanbag. The walls are cream colored and the bedsheets of Liam's bed are sky blue with dark blue cushions and pillows on it. The wooden flooring makes the room look elegant. On the nightstand, there's a picture of Liam and Jenna, with Liam's hand on her waist, they both are smiling towards the camera and they look so young. Its beautiful. The room and the picture.

When I come back to the real world I find me and harry sitting on the bed. When I realize we're still holding hands,I gently untangle our fingers and unfortunately Harry notices but stays quite. He takes out his phone and dials the pizza places' number and speaks into the tiny speaker.
"Yeah,I'd like to order a large extra cheese pizza and a large coke."
"Its gonna be here in twenty minutes." He says and I nod. Three minutes of awkward silence pass before I finally decide to break it.

"Which subject are you taking Harry?"
"I'm taking History."
"Oh, good old history!" I exclaim slapping my knee and laughing at my own joke.
"You suck at making jokes." Harry laughs.
"If I did,why were you laughing?" I ask poking my tongue out at him.
"I wasn't laughing at your joke.I was laughing at the fact that you think you're funny when you're not."
"Well I think I'm funny and Ann thinks that too." I say defending myself.
"She only laughs because she doesn't want to hurt your feelings." He says leaning forward.
"No,once she fell off the bed laughing at my joke." I say and lean forward too. I'm surprised how this meaningless conversation turned in to this.I feel his breath on the bridge of my nose and his minty breath invades my senses.

Seconds later his lips press to my own. The comfort provided by his soft lips makes me feel as secure as I've ever been. We hear the doorbell ring, the window of Liam's room is near the front door,and our lips disconnect.
"I- I'll go get it." He stutters.
"Yeah." I say.What was that?!

He returns two minutes later he enters with a pizza and large coke in his hands. His hair a bit wet. "Its pouring outside." He says as he ruffles his hair.He sits the pizza in front of us and the coke on the nightstand and sits in front of me.My back towards the headboard. He opens the the box and I smell the aroma of the delicious shit. We both grab a piece each and I take a bite before him.I watch him as he eats. He pokes his tongue out and takes the bite. I can't control it and I burst out laughing. Harry jumps,well as high as a person sitting cross legged can,and looks at me startled.
"What happened?"
"You eat in a funny way!" I say still not being able to control my laughter. He seems relieved.
"God Cara! You scared the shit out of me! And I don't eat in a funny way!" He defends.
"Yes,yes you do."
"Let's see." He says taking another bite, this time looking at his mouth. "Oh my god!I do eat like that!"
"I thought you'd cheat and eat normally. But you didn't ." I say smiling.
"I'd never cheat you." He says smiling too.

We eat the pizza,well I eat most of it but Harry drinks most of the coke so we're even,in silence.Harry says,"I better throw this box because Liam will be furious if he finds a single bit of 'litter' in his room." He puts air quotations around litter." Clean freak." He chuckles and gets off the bed."I'll go dump it. You went to get the pizza anyway." I say trying to contribute in this equally."No. You stay here. I don't want you going out anyway.It can be dangerous."He says. I nod. He leaves the room and closes the door behind him. I obey what I'm told and sit there.My eyes close as it is 1:00am ,the music downstairs just as loud as it was when we got here, and drift off to sleep.

The door opens with a thud and my eyes immediately snap open. Harry has a black eye and a cut on his jaw. What the hell? Behind him are Louis and Zayn followed by Ann. They lay Harry on the bed.
"What happened? Is he alright?How'd he get this bruise?" I say cross questioning the three standing near the corner of the bed.
"Calm down Cara." Ann says closing the door behind her when Louis and Zayn leave. She starts to explain.

"You see,when Harry came downstairs he, came across Niall along with some other dudes. They asked him for a drink and he declined saying you were waiting for him. They started to plead him so he agreed on a drink. The drink was so strong that he lost his senses and began drinking more of it. They were just sitting when Luke came and asked 'where's the chick you were with Styles? Up in some room?'he said advancing towards the stairs,he was obviously talking about you, and harry stopped him.He asked Luke to stay away from you but he wouldn't stop climbing the stairs so harry pulled the hem of his shirt causing Luke to fall down the three stairs. He, in turn, punched harry and Harry returned it ,causing a scene, Luke hit his head against the wall and this happened."She says pointing to his forehead. That's when I notice the blood. His sweaty curls must've hidden it."And Harry broke the wine bottle on his head.Then Louis and Zayn came and ended the fight. And this was the only place we thought of bringing him." "Oh.My.God.He fought for me?" It sounds more of a question.
"Yeah." She nods.
"Why?" The small curious part of me asks.
"He likes you."
"I like him too,Ann. He is so sweet and protective al-"
"He likes you more than a friend." She interrupts."How could you not get this?" 
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"I think its better that you ask him yourself." She says and leaves the room leaving me alone with an unconscious Harry and my thoughts.

So I finally updated! I'm so sorry for not updating earlier, I had my exams and they just started so I may or may not update tomorrow. But I will soon.And there's some problem so I can't make the character list I'll just write it down here↓

Cara Williams as herself
Koyel Mokami as Annette Perterson
Aleezeh Samdani as Allison Waters
Johannes Francisco as Jenna Louise
Harry Styles as himself
Louis Tomlinson as himself
Zayn Malik as himself
Niall Horan as himself
Liam Payne as himself
Taylor Lautner as Luke

Wish me luck and please don't hate me :)

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