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Cara's POV
I wake up to a killing ache in my right shoulder and the urge to pee. I look over at the wall clock and its 6:09am. I have college in an hour! I try to get out of bed but something prevents me from doing so. When I look over,I see Harry and the events of last night start playing in my mind. His lip is healing and is in a better condition than yesterday and his black eye is purple now. He's recovering pretty well. I look at our legs and mine are sandwiched between his naked ones. His arms are on my waist,tightly wrapped around it and my hands are around his neck. No wonder my right shoulder, which is under his body,is killing me. He looks like an angel,still.

This time I finally wiggle out of his iron grip,hopelessly failing in my attempt to wake him. He opens his eyes and I try to jump out of bed to escape from his sight and reach the washroom but as my feet hit the cold hard wooden floor a large hand wraps around my stomach and pulls me back. Shit.

"Where were you going?" He frowns.
"Uh..Good morning?" I smile hoping to change the topic.
"You were leaving me Cara. Weren't you?" He says in his raspy morning voice. He just can't let go of the topic.
"No Harry. Well yeah... I had to use the washroom and well, its my second day at college. And there's only an hour left so I really have to go."
"Oh." He says,thinking. Wait...he's thinking? Please make it be something good.
"Give me something for waking me up." What?!
"O-okay...what do I have to give you?" He pins me to the bed and climbes on me,resting his knees on the side of my thighs. Oh my.He leans forward,our chests touching,and I can feel his hot breath on the brigde of my nose. Our faces are inches apart.
"Kiss me." He whispers. His green orbs staring directly into my hazel ones.

I pull his face closer making our lips meet. He smiles into the kiss,dimples popping up.He cups my cheeks and sucks on my bottom lip. His tongue parts its way through my lips and enters my mouth, exploring it. After a few seconds of kissing I feel something press on my lower stomach. He's getting a boner! I feel nervous.He starts to rock his hips, completely rubbing himself against me."Cara.." He groans into my mouth quickening the pace of the kiss.

"Harry we have college in twenty five minutes." I say,breaking the kiss.I'm not ready for this right now. And I plan to keep my virginity until I get married."But you promised!" He whines."I promised to give you a kiss,not my virginity."I laugh. "What about this!?" He says gesturing towards his groin."Well,you asked for it." I grin."Now let's get going."Let me put my clothes on." He says and picks his clothes from Liam's beanbag,which I folded. I go to the washroom to do my business.

When I come back,I see Harry struggling with the zipper of his jeans and when I come close I see the reason. He is still hard.

"Can I help?" I say without thinking.
''What!? No, you already helped enough,thanks." He remarks sarcastically.
"Okay I'll wait for Mr.Hard'' I smirk.
"Stop it Cara!"He flushes.
"Sorry cupcake." I kiss him on the cheek.
"Cupcake? Really!" He laughs.
"Well I couldn't come up with anything else." I shrug,picking up my clutch and cardigan.
"Baby would work." He grins.
"I'll think about it."I smile.

After he's finally done with the zipper, we go downstairs. I tiptoe over the numerous drunken bodies lying on the floor and even more on the couch. Someone bumps into me causing my clutch to fall on the floor. I lean down to pick it.

"Better watch your step next time." Says the guy beside the girl who I bumped into.
"You were the ones to bump into us!" Harry growls.I stand up.
"Not now Harry. We're already getting late." I scold-whisper putting my hand on his stomach to make him stay back but it lands on something else. What is- oh no. I pull my hand back immediately when I realized it landed on his crotch,I look at Harry to see his eyes wide open and cheeks crimson.

"I'm sorry." I breathe into his neck as I whisper. He nods looking forward, cheeks still red as ever.
"Sorry about my friend. I'm Allison. Call me Ally." The girl in front of us smiles. ''And this is Ashton, Ash."
''I'm Cara." I shake her stretched hand."I have to go I'm getting late for college." I smile and start to go.
"Wait."Ally pulls me.
"At least introduce us to your boyfriend." She smiles.
"Uh..he's n-." "I'm Harry." He interrupts.
''Hi Harry!" Ally waves.
"Hi." He says impassively.
''Okay so Cara give me your number. I want to know you." She grins.
''Yeah of course." I give her my number and take hers too.

After saying our goodbye's me and Harry finally exit the frat house. I shiver as the morning air hits me. Its so good to breathe fresh air after the smell of wine and tobacco.Its literally heaven. When we sit in the car,I close my door,Harry does the same, and turn to him.

''Why didn't you let me tell them that we were not dating?!" I ask.
"Well, you were taking a lot of time to explain this and we were getting late..so I just told them my name." He shrugs.
"Oh okay."

The rest of the ride to the dorms is silent except the sound of the rain. Its still raining? I must've not noticed because the curtains in Liam's room were closed.

When we reach the dorms,I step out of the car and my foot lands in a muddy puddle.
"Fuck it." I swear as I take my boot off.
"Better watch your step next time." Harry chuckles mimicking Ashton,the guy we bumped into earlier.
"I'm not going to call you baby now." I narrow my eyes into slits.
"That's not fair with me!" He protests."You still have to make up for what you did!"
"I didn't do anything." I know clearly what I did.
"You're not-you're despicable Cara."
"I'll make up later okay?" I roll my eyes.
"You better." He squints.
"Now let's go! We're getting late!" I pull him up the frat house stairs. The elevators take ages to reach the second floor.

When we reach the dorm,the door is locked so I guess Annette is still gone. I open the room and run to the washroom.
"You can wait here I'll just come in a few minutes."
"Yeah sure. I'll wait." He says and I close the wahsroom door.

I couldn't update earlier because it's been a hectic few weeks and my phone kept shutting down.
All the love x

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