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Harry's POV

I take a deep breath. I don't know how to explain this to Cara. I hadn't heard from Hailey in a while now and I completely forgot about her. Cara is amazing actually. Its hard to see those pink lips and not just kiss them. Even if I remembered I had a girlfriend honestly, I wouldn't have paid any attention.

It's like she captivates me. Her beauty. She is so innocent and pure to this atrocious world. Its hard not to take advantage of her.I have to give a reasonable explanation as to why I kissed her while being in a relationship with someone else. I don't understand why its such a big deal to her. I've had one-night stands. Then I just can't figure why just a simple kiss would mean so much to her.

"I- I'll be honest with you. I don't know why I kissed you. Its just difficult,you know. And besides I completely forgot that I had a girlfriend a-" I am cut off by her.

"People don't just forget about their relationships. And you know what the worst part is? She's the reason of my nightmares. She had been so gruesome to me in my school days and she was the reason I had to take karate for self defense," She whispers loud enough for me to hear.

Usually I expect the girl to yell at me. But she is taking it so calmly.

Well that's a coincidence. But Hailey is so nice to everyone. Yeah, she is a horrible kisser with those sloppy lips always wearing red lipstick, but I really like her. And even if she did bully Cara, she's changed now. People change.

"I'm sorry for kissing you like that. I shouldn't have. I'm really sorry," I look at the white wall of my room in front of me,frowning.

"We could do something," She says poking my arm to make me look at her. Her hazel eyes mesmerizing me.

"What?" My voice comes out raspier than normal.

"W-we could just forget about what happened. We could just forget last night, that we ever met. You don't have to tell Hailey what happened. It won't affect your relationship. And I'll move on from you. We'll be like complete strangers. Okay?"

My heart drops as these words leave her lips. I never meant to take her down to this level. We could be friends. I don't want her to get out of my life. She's a stupefying girl.

I've never met someone so calm. Someone who thinks about people more than their self. Someone who ignores their shattering heart for the sake of someone else's happiness. She's one of a kind.

"Harry?" She asks resting her hand on my bare shoulder,as I'm wearing a sleeveless white tee, making shivers run down my spine, her shoulders crouched down.

I look up at her."You in?" She exhales.

"No," I frown shaking my head.


"Can't we just be friends?"

"No Harry. As much as I hate to admit it, I've got a big mouth," She giggles,"And I doubt that I'd be able to keep my mouth shut if I'm around you. Because if I say it, there are going to be problems for you,"

I stay silent for a while not really knowing what to say. She is right. I don't want Hailey to know about it. Its not that of a big deal but, as usual, she'll make a fuss over it.

Hailey and I had been friends since kindergarten. Then eventually we grew up to be pretty close. We weren't like best friends. We didn't tell each other our secrets or something, neither did any of us ask about each others personal matters. We would just go to each other to talk because having no siblings, we couldn't really talk to anyone frankly. And she actually understood sometimes.

But our parents wanted us to date. So, we had our first date. You can't really call it a date when there are your parents with you. That's how we ended up like this. I just like her. There isn't love between us.

I doubt love even exists. How can a person care for another more than their selves? That's just fatuous. And crying over a break up? Seriously fucking ridiculous. What is there to cry over a person leaving you? It's not like the oaf is dead or something.

I am broken out of my thoughts by Cara's light and cautious steps towards the door.

Cara's POV

Just as I'm about to turn the door knob, Harry's voice cuts in.

"Where are you going?" He asks standing up.

"Back to the dorms," I turn the knob opening the door.

"Don't go." I shut the door.

"Huh?" I am thunderstricken.

"It's already night, I didn't realize the time. I have to go back,"

"Stay with me, please?" He pleads.


"Just stay with me for tonight, I don't want to sleep alone. And I don't even know when I will see you next time," He begs, his emerald green eyes piercing through my flesh.

I really lied about being a big mouth, I know I shouldn't have. The secrets stored with me are the secrets never heard by other ears. But I just don't want to be around him. It gives me that weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Okay. But this is the last time." I huff crossing my arms. He grins cheekily.

"But I don't have clothes,"

"Wear my shirt," He offers taking off his shirt and handing it over to me.

"Turn around," I order.

He does what he's told and I turn to the opposite direction. Just as I'm about to take off my shirt, I glance over my shoulder to check and thankfully he's in the same position. I quickly take off my shirt and slide his over. I step out of my tight jeans and fold both my shirt and pants and put them on the left corner of his bed.

"Can I look now?"


He turns around grinning as he sees my naked legs.

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All the love x

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