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Cara's POV
I brush my teeth, strip from my clothes and step in the shower. I just turn the water on and its freezing cold. It doesn't matter. I have to get to college.

I quickly shampoo my hair and soap my body. I step out of the shower and wrap myself in my warm towel. I look at the rack to see no clothes. I forgot my clothes in the room! I open the door of the washroom making a tiny crack for me to see through. I spot Harry sitting on the bed.

"Harry?" I call out to him.

"Yeah?" He replies looking up from his hands he seems to be playing with. His eyes go wide as he sees my wet body and I see him pulling his lip between his teeth.

"Um..could yo- could you fetch my clothes from the cupboard?" I say blushing.

"Yeah sure." He stands in front of the two closets.

"The left one." I point to my cupboard.

He takes out a tight purple dress and shows it to me.

"No. Not this one." I say. Who wears a dress to college?!
He takes out a checked pattern skirt and a red top.

"This one?" He says raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah okay. Just-just give it to me. " I reach my hand out.

"Here." He steps close to me.

I take the clothes and close the washroom door. Putting on the top first I zip my skirt and go out of the washroom,my damp hair hanging along.

I stand in front of the dresser and start brushing my hair. I would dry it if I didn't have a fear of hair appliances. Yeah weird I know. But I've never used a straightener, curler or even a hair dryer.

"Have you dyed your hair?" Harry asks tilting his head to the right as he sits on the bed.

I turn towards him and smile. The hundredth time this question has been asked from someone.

"No. It's natural. I get this question a lot. I mean its not weird to have three different shades of color naturally. Well I am thinking of dying it purple." Its my favorite color and I don't know why I've always fancied purple hair.

"No!" Harry says loudly and I shoot him a look.

"I mean you look better this way." He explains.

"Okay. So I'll streak it purple." I shrug and turn back towards the mirror.

"What are you doing today?" He questions out of the blue.

"I don't know. If Professor Robert gives us any assignment then I'll probably do it today and if not, I'll just read." I point to the four thick novels lying on the study table.

"Your routine is boring." He replies.

"No one asked you to judge." I roll my eyes.

"I was-" he starts

"Let's go we're getting late." I interrupt before he can shoot me with another rude comment. He nods towards the ground and gets up from the bed. I look over to see Anne's bed unmade. As usual. This untidy girl, I wonder how are we even best friends.
My mind instantly clicks. Wait, Zayn told that him and Anne are staying here but where are they? I quickly text Anne.

Me : Anne where are you guys?!

Anne : Chill babe we're at campus we just reached.

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