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Cara's POV
I really don't know how I should feel about this. He kisses me and has a girlfriend? He cheated on his girlfriend with me and here I am going after him. What is my problem?

We finally reach the bar where Harry's sitting alone with a cup in his hand.

"More,'' He says placing the Styrofoam cup on the counter.

"But sir you already had seve-" The bartender starts.

"I said more!'' Harry yells slamming the cup again on the counter.

The bartender gulps and takes the cup pouring some liquid in it which smells like whiskey. She awkwardly places the cup on the counter and stands there terrified. Harry gulps down the whole thing in one sip.

"Mate," Zayn says putting his hand on Harry's shoulder making his head snap to him.

"What are you doing here?'' Harry asks his eyes red from the excessive drinking.

"We came here to get you,''

''I'm not going yet. I just came,''He seethes shoving Zayn's hand off his shoulder.

"Dude you need to come, you've drunk too much," Zayn declares. He hasn't even looked at me once yet.

"I'm here with my girlfriend and I'm not going without her!" Harry booms.

That's it. "You are here with a girlfriend who doesn't even care about you huh? She's there with a guy who's probably flirting with her,''I point to the corner where she was standing."I don't even know why I came to get you. You don't deserve us,"My voice cracks as the tears threaten to spill. For once he notices me and his expression softens a bit.

"Cara.." He steps towards me.

"Don't Harry," I slap away his outstretched hand and take long strides towards the washroom.

"Cara where are you go-"Anne says coming after me.

"I'm going to the washroom. Stay here," She obliges what I said and returns back to where Harry and Zayn were standing.

"You're a fucking asshole Harry!" I hear Anne shout but I don't turn back.

I open the door to the washrooms and go into one of the stalls,ignoring the harsh stares I receive on my way. I sit on the toilet seat with my head in my hands.

Why did I do this to me? I vowed to myself I'd never go near a boy again after Den. I did this to me. I'm responsible for the things he did to me. I shouldn't have gone near him at the party. But he is attractive. My annoying subconscious pops in. 'But looks deceive.' I whispered to her. I didn't even notice the tears rolling down my cheek until I felt a teardrop on my thigh.

No. I am not going to cry after a boy. I stood up, wiping my tears, and opened the stall door.

In front of me was a sight I never thought I would witness. Two gay girls sucking each others faces off. Ew. I cough loudly to interrupt the action. No such luck. I quickly open the door and depart the washroom and walk over to where Anne is standing with Harry and Zayn.

"It wasn't my fault I swear!" Harry explains to an annoyed Zayn and Anne.

"It was your fault. All of it," Zayn says pointing a finger to Harry's chest.

"No yo-" Harry stops in mid sentence as his eyes meet mine. I take a step to my right practically hiding behind Zayn and avoid his stare.

''Ask him if he wants to come," Anne whispers to Zayn. Oh so that's how she's been communicating with Harry. Zayn nods.

"Do you want to come home or no?" Zayn asks sternly.

"I'm coming," Harry says, his head down as he walks through Zayn and Anne grabbing my wrist in the process.

"Just listen to me," He whispers.

I shake my head but he seems to notice."Please?" He raises his eyebrows.

"When we get to your apartment," I say not making any eye contact with him. He won't let go if I don't agree.

''Thank you," He takes a sigh of relief.

"Let go of my wrist,'' I say jerking my arm away from him only to earn a frown.

We make our way through the crowd with Harry stopping to whisper something in Hailey's ear. I wonder why he even likes her. I mean she's so obnoxious and she has a very squeaky voice. I won't deny that she's beautiful but she's a bitch and a beautiful face can't conceal an ugly heart.

Harry jogs up to us as he was left behind and we reach the door. As soon as Zayn opens the door, the cold London air envelops me and my teeth chatter. My arms come up to wrap around my body, moving up and down in the most comforting manner. That's the thing about London. It's so cold even in the afternoon.

We make it to the car without me turning into a Popsicle. I jump in the backseat and slide to the other end to allow Anne enter. I'm finally settled on my spot but unfortunately instead of Anne, Harry sits next to me. Zayn and Anne sit in their front seats and Zayn turns the heat on. The engine of his car starts to roar as he reverses it.

Way to go Anne. I roll my eyes. She should've sat with me but 'oh no she wants to sit in the front with lover boy'. I rest my arm on the armrest with my hand cupping one side of my face. I gaze outside as I see the scenery in front of me fly away. It seems like everything is in a hurry. The lush green plants and the rows of hotels, coming into view and disappearing just like flashbacks. People rushing on the busy streets of London trying to reach their destinations.

However, the view isn't enough to distract me and I find myself wondering how this little 'discussion' is going to take place. Unknowingly, I glance over at Harry and he's in the same position as me, looking out of his window. He's so beautiful.

After a few minutes of complete silence, we reach the building where Zayn and Harry live. Fortunately, the elevators here aren't as slow and we quickly reach the fourth floor where their apartment is located.

Zayn opens his palm and Harry places the keys of the apartment in his hand, rubbing his eyes. The apartment door opens to reveal a quite furnished apartment. A clean kitchen, three bedrooms and two washrooms.

Anne and I stand there taking in our surroundings when Zayn breaks the silence.

"Uh.. Do you want to talk to Cara about something Harry?"

"Yeah," Harry stands there with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"I suggest you go into your room. I'm sure it would be something you wouldn't want to talk about in front of us,"Anne suggests.

"Yeah okay," I walk past Harry towards where the two rooms are, in front of each other. The third room is away from these two so it most probably would be the guest room.

He opens the door to the room on the right and I follow on his heels. He takes a step forward and I close the door behind me. I sit on the edge of the bed making myself comfortable. I have a feeling this is going to be a long talk.

"Speak," I roll my eyes, folding my arms over my chest.

Sorry for the long wait lovelies. There maybe typos and I'm sorry for that too. This is a shitty chapter. All the love x

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