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Cara's POV
I enter the room to see Zayn sitting on Anne's bed,crouched over with his phone in his hand texting someone. What's he doing here?

"Zayyynnn." I say dragging his name out plopping myself next to him on the bed.

"Carrrraa." Zayn says putting away his phone and facing me.

"So I heard you took Anne's v card huh?" I wiggle my eyebrows grinning.

"Oh yeah." He says looking at the ground smiling, probably about last night."She took mine though." He says facing me grinning.

"You were a virgin. I thought you'd have lost it long ago." I try to eye him in a perverted way failing miserably at it and making us both laugh.

"But Zayn please don't hurt her ,ever. Or I won't mind punching you where you won't be able to have a baby." I say seriously.

"I would never hurt her. He looks at the ground.

"I trust you." I smile at him which he returns.

"Did I miss something?" Anne's voice interrupts us and I see her small frame standing by the dorm door.

"Not much. We were just talking." Zayn's face lights up while talking to her. This is so adorable.

"I'll just change while you two talk." Anne says grabbing her clothes from her cupboard and going in the washroom.

"What are you doing here by the way? Mr. Malik." I chuckle.

"Well Harry has the keys to our apartment and that's why me and Anne couldn't go there last night. And now he's no where to be found. I tried calling him but he didn't answer." He explains.

My heart starts beating in a dangerously fast pace. What if he's in danger?

"Zayn, where do you think he is?" I ask. He's his best friend he should know.

"I don't really know he doesn't normally run off but at the start of our friendship, he used to go to bars and stay there the whole day drinking,"

"Why?" I gasp.

"He never really opened up to me about it,"

"Zayn we should find him. He may be in danger or lost or something." I stand up getting worried.

"Why do you care about him so much?" Zayn says.

"I care about him because he saved me last night and got himself hurt. No one does that nowadays. Not to a stranger." I reason.

"You don't get it?" Zayn scowls.

"Get what Zayn? Anne keeps saying I don't getting you keep saying I don't get it! What is it that I don't get!?" I raise my voice frustrated.

"Calm down Cara." Zayn mumbles.

"Sorry." I huff sitting back again.

"Cara, Harry really likes you. He hasn't liked any other girl that way and just the way he protects you tells it all. He never cared about girls. He just thought of them as toys that could be played with and broken. But the way he treats you is different from any other girl. Can't you see it?" Zayn asks.

"I really don't know what should I do." I say playing with my fingers. I was never liked by anyone. I was the type of girl who got bullied in high school. The nerd, as they said.

"You sho-" Zayn starts but is interrupted by Anne coming out of the washroom. He can't stop looking at her. The way he looks at her in adoration is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I didn't know people could ever feel that way.

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