Chapter Six

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Phoebe's Pov
I wasn't sure what was more tiring, everyday the main house had even more people filling inside it by day. Half of the time of was Ness showing people her memories, I didn't really like using that gift because it made me extra sleepy, but from time to time when the new people kept coming I would do it occasionally before I would have early nap time with Leah.

I had a basic understanding of what was happening. It was scary yes, these Volturi people sound like the biggest meanies, seemed mom was worried more each day.

"Ness, Phoebe come eat." I perked up hearing Grandma's loud voice calling us to the kitchen, I hopped off the couch looking away from the tv screen, next to uncle Emmett making my way to the kitchen where Leah and Seth were already eating. I climbed into the seat next to Leah with a small little yawn.

"Hey Phoebe dear, oh wow... You look about ten today sweetie. I see you still are growing just a little bit still too faster." Grandma propped herself on the counter staring at me full of concern.

"She's always sleepy." Leah commented out sliding a plate over my way with a simple serving of some sandwiches.

"I don't  like using my gifts they make me sleepy." I explained a little rubbing my fist over my eyes some more. I looked over my shoulder for a minute watching dad enter the kitchen holding Renesmee on his hip, setting her on the other stool besides me.

I wonder where Jacob is? He's always lurking around a corner somewhere, but wait then again, Leah does the same thing actually. Maybe it's a wolf thing. I saw dad cracking a light smile pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Morning sweetie, how are you feeling?" He questioned to me brushing all the long brown curls away, running his hands through my hair a few short times.

"Like dying-"


"What... Uncle Jas use to say it!"

A yawn slipped past my lips, leaning back a little feeling her soft hands brushing all through out my hair, her fingers twisting the strands of my hair with ease. I didn't wanna sleep back at the cottage, I felt more at ease in the main house. Or more or so I could be just slightly nosy.

I just could never shake the feeling, mom loved me, just not the way she loved Renesmee, dad was sometimes hard to read but. I knew he cared.

"Phoebe." I hummed a little at Leah's voice, my gaze shifting away from the forest sights. I'm pretty sure everyone was hunting, even the ones with the red eyes.

"I know that you are highly intelligent.. I don't like your mom more then anyone. To me she's always been just slightly selfish." She paused for a small second, "But even I can tell it hurts her when you avoid her like She is a sickness." I shouldn't have let a small laugh at the way she said it, shifting my green eyes to look down for a moment.

"She isn't a sickness, I know that she tries Leah... Just I don't know maybe I'm too young to understand. I'm not getting abused or anything. I just feel like she preferred Ness. Which it wouldn't hurt if she would just admit it." I huffed slightly, feeling the tightness of my hair was followed shortly after.

"Its always gonna be a little different because, yes you parents were only expecting one child, they were gifted with two, nothing like this has every happened before Phoebe you two are very special cases." I felt her stroking at my hair before she made me turn and face her, a soft expression grew on her tan features.

"So what if your mom might prefer your sister, because she might regret it when you get older when she missed out on how awesome you are." A smile formed in my face watching her pull the fishtail braid over my shoulder so I could see it.

"Thank you Leah bee... It just like a small part of me feels like it doesn't matter... Aunty Alice and Jasper left because we are gonna die." Leah frowned really quick with a very sharp glare across her face.

"No one is gonna die alright Phoebe, me, Seth, Jacob and your whole family all these new people here are making sure of that okay." I stared into her eyes. Leah has never lied to me before, she's always told me the truth to some degree. So of course I trusted her.

"Pinky promise?" She flashed me a smile before she held out her pinky which I locked mine around her wiggling them slowly.

"Pinky promise." I wiggled our fingers around some more, watching the screen door open with interest seeing Dad was looking between us. When his enter head had poked out from inside.

"Come on Phoebe time for bed." He ordered out to me gently with a smile.

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