Chapter Seven

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Phoebe's Pov
I would strongly say that the new found emotion present within me would be pure exhaustion. I wasn't sure as to why I was always sleepy. But if I wasn't talking and interacting with Grandpa and Grandma's friends I know for a fact I would be sleeping all day.

I never had to worry about things when I was sleeping, or lost in my world of eating. Though I believe dad and Leah caught on to my sleep fanatics and have been forcing me to attend more gatherings with everyone I do believe it's only because I looked like the much older twin.

"Come on Bella you gotta focus picture it all around you. Like its coming from you." I held onto the tree branches tightly with interest slightly leaning my body forward a bit to get a better look at mom focusing her attention on Kate. She seemed to be straining a lot, she looked kinda constipated the thought made me giggle quietly. I saw dad had cracked a sudden grin and whipped his head up to stare at me from above the tree the humor laced through out his eyes.

"Be careful up there please sweetie." I gave him a quick okay sigh with another chuckle, moving my green eyes to see mom sighed annoyed like glancing between Garrett and Emmett it seemed dad had a motion in mind, with a sigh he stepped towards Kate, causing mom to panic.

"Think she needs someone to motivate her. Should I go see if Renesemee's awake? Or Phoebe hun come down here!" I chuckled watching Kate waving her electricity around her fingers much quicker a side smirk on her lips.

"Are you crazy?" Mom demanded out stepping towards her. Not gonna lie this was sort of boring, I had more fun playing dress up with Auntie Rosalie or playing with Leah.

I was much in a daze for a while before I heard my name being called, drawing me away from thought, I looked down to see Kate smiling at me.

"Would you like to practice your gifts a little more sweetie? I'm sure if you practice more you'll be less afraid of it?" She offered to me. I scrunched my nose up for a moment yet I liked that idea.

"Yeah I wanna try." I beamed carefully watching dad hold his arms out for me. I braced myself for impact, jumping down landing into his arms with a loud grunt being set down with a soft smile.  He moved my twin braids away so they weren't in my view.

I then was left in more confusion tilting my head. "I don't think the location one can really work in a fight Kate." I said with a soft laugh, she grinned at me with her own laughter nodding.

"That is correct but I hear you have one that's impressive, so let's try and give it a little more control. I want you to focus on that far away tree okay? But don't make it explode, just try and leave a small burn it can you do that?" It seemed easy enough, she stood behind me pointing over towards one of the far away trees. Let's hope I don't mess up Grandma's garden.

I squinted my eyes for a moment it felt like my head was hurting and was gonna explode but it was like in a quick blink a loud explosion like rumble sounded out causing me to jump in shock, her as well as a small spark of lightening hit down quickly.

A soft laugh escaped from dad in surprise glancing back over at me. "I don't think its a form of telekinesis. But I can't be sure yet." He shook his head a few times but pressed a quick kiss to my temple.

"Good job honey." I beamed happy like seeing mom flashed me a happy grin sending me a thumbs up as well. I squeaked happily at the sudden sight of Leah in her wolf form running up in confusion. She looked so confused her large wolf head tilting fast in worry a small little howl leaving her.

I frowned a bit quickly rushing over to her listening to my shoes crunch against the grass, quickly hugging her head with a soft him stroking my palm across her head.

"Sorry Leah, just practicing didn't mean to worry you." She let a soft like growl out that rumble, her grey large eyes studying me before she gently nudged my palm with her head tilting her head to give me a small lick on the face it cause me to whine loudly giving her head a small push in amusement.

"Gross Leah." I whined out. She just whined out nudging me again quicker with her head fast like, I ended up pushing her head again just causing her to slightly knock me over with her head lifting me up over her head with ease placing me on her back.

The loudest laugh left me just as quickly as the snorts started  to fly from me quick like, grabbing gently at her fur not hard enough to hurt her to steady myself in disbelief as she walked off with me on her back.

"Where are you taking me!" I exclaimed through laughter in the end she just let a loud wolfy snort out tilting her head up at the sky, taking off running with me clinging to her for dear life, more excited laughter out into the air filled me with ease.

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