Chapter Nine

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Phoebe's Pov
A harsh sneeze had slipped from my nose roughly, keeping the side of my head tilted a little to bury into Rensemee's warm hair better to keep warm in here, although all those war stories being told out near the large camp fire sounded intriguing as well.

Renesmee let a small giggle out, peering up to staring at me with a soft smile. Her brown eyes held so much amusement and mischief like they always held. I truly wonder where she gets that from possible from dad would be my very guess.

"How are you this cold with me cuddling you?" She gave me a playful glare like state moving closer to me, I made a small noise in the back of my throat fake debating it over my head before poking at her nose gently with a smile watching it wiggle in place causing for warmth to spread through me.

"I'm just always cold, we should be trying to get some sleep soon." I teased towards her form, suddenly looking towards the opening of the tent, Rensemee looked happy to see mom slipping inside looking between us both with a gentle like smile.

"Shouldn't you two be sleeping?" She teased gently getting to her knees, looking between us both. I sat up first in my sleeping bag, Renesmee joining as well.

"I can't sleep with Phoebe's teeth chattering." I rolled my eyes playfully pinching at her nose gently, giving mom another set of my attention as she spoke gently passing into both our hands a locket.

I fluttered my eyes a couple times holding it in my palms, I clicked it open looking at the photo of mom and dad closely.

"I want you both to always have this, so you can always remember me and your dad are important to you guys always." It bounced around in my head the sadness in her voice. It didn't take too much a fool to get a sense of everything happening. A sniffle left Renesmee.

"Come here girls it's okay." A muffled yelp of surprised left me feeling her hand in the back of my long wavy hair hugging me against her chest.

I was almost tense at the affection. I shut my eyes in that moment melting into her embrace shutting my eyes for a moment.

For the first time.. I felt safe in her arms, more than I ever thought I needed. That's what was missing a mother's love.

The sight of snow had became such a light eye sore from first glance, cuddling into my coat firmly I curled into dad's side feeling his hand and arm held at me more tightly gently running through my hair a couple times to sooth me in place.

I took a second to take look up at him when he was speaking to me in a gentle tone lightly, pinching at my cheeks causing a low whine to leave me. 

"You've grown a lot Phoebe and I'm very proud of you." I felt my face flush quickly hiding my head more into his coat muttering into it shy like.

"Do you have to embarrass me." I whined getting a chuckle in response from him, I slightly tilted my head out towards the snow covered ground. It was like fear could be struck through you at the sight of the black and red coats.

I gripped tighter at dad's coat, in surprise my eyes growing wide. There were so many of them... And it seemed like when you thought they all were there more came.

"Aro's looking for Alice." I slightly let go to gather feeling into my palm again, looking towards the sky for a minute when a loud sounding howl echoed out between everyone's ears.

I held back a tiny smile that formed letting dad go for a moment staying by his side, I felt a gentle nudge to my side as the soft sounding growls were heard.

I gently stroked behind Leah's ears once she had taken position besides me, bringing me comfort along side the fear that had grown through me.

Alright just take deep breaths it's not like it's the worse thing that can be happening can it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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