Chapter Eight

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Phoebe's Pov
With more gift training with everyone it became a fun routine when everyone wasn't hunting to show off each gift. I thought Benjamin's was really impressive, I wonder if he could ever make it snow if he worked really hard to make it happen. Even though it was quite scary to know the Volturi was coming in a few days I tried my hardest to enjoy Christmas with everyone at Grandpa Charlie's house.

I curled up at Leah's side while she was shoving some cookies in her mouth. I'm sure that was her tenth one. There's no way she wasn't sick yet. I snickered gently holding my hand out for her to give me to which she lightly pressed it between my lips wrapping her free arm over my body squeezing me in a hug sleepy like.

"Its present time Seth and Leah stop eating." She grumbled out a soft chuckle tucking her hair away with her free hand before helping me up, moving us both towards the the floor near the large Christmas tree. I could see how excited Renesmee was sitting next to Jacob as he handed over her wrapped box in her direction.

"Here you go princess, took some time to make but I hope you like it." I looked up at her seeing her smile my way. I held the box curious like beaming at her, dropping my head down carefully ripping open the paper before unboxing the lid, staring with a set of soft round eyes.

"Is this a photobook Leah?" I asked looking back up towards her. She looked embarrassed tilting her head to the side for a moment simply nodding her head a couple times.

"Yeah Seth helped me a little I thought you know, since you grow just a tad bit more then Renesmee you'd want a photobook of you, me and everyone there's so many pictures. I forgot most of these were taken I know Esme must have done it." She laughed rubbing her fingers over her cheeks even more. I found myself grinning flipping through the first few pages in amazement.

"Oh my gosh Leah this is amazing! Thank you so much it's so beautiful." I beamed at her setting it down to wrap her into a quick hug I heard her chuckling before she was squeezing me back rubbing her hands all over my back.

"Oh you are so welcome Phoebe I'm glad someone likes my gifts." She chuckled both of us pulling back from the hug, tucking my hair behind my ears. I then grinned pulling out my own little box for her, to which she took with confusion at first before she focused on me shaking it a little before she popped open the box pulling out the earrings she stared at them with her eyes wide with a smile.

"Are those little wolves on them... This is so beautiful Phoebe thank you so much I promise to wear them." She looked at me with soft emotion. I nodded my head a couple times at her looking down for a moment I stared at my lap messing with my fingers deeply a little.

"Jacob helped me a little this week, I just wanted you to have something a little personal from me to you." She slowly tilted her head a little starting to put them in place, tilting her short hair side to side for me to see.

"They look really good." I beams at her some more, raising my hand to play with them a couple times watching them jiggle in place. She then lifted her hands to mess with them a few times bowing her head down with a chuckle.

"I really really love them sweetie thank you." I muttered a gentle your welcome as I moved closer to her bringing her in for another hug. Her hugs always felt like my safe space. They made you feel warm no matter the time of day, or what she was doing. She would take the time to hold me muttering things to me in place.

"Leah have I ever told how much I love your hugs." I muttered on the surface of her chest. She rumble with some laughter both of us drowning out the loud chatter around us.

"Maybe once or twice. I like giving you hugs when you need them."

Christmas was far by the best so for me. It was peaceful.

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