Chapter Four

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Phoebe's Pov
The snow crunched slightly under my boots, and I looked around at the little snowflakes in awe. I tilted my head up a bit smiling holding out my palm. I let the little flakes land in my palm, feeling some pieces land on my eyelash, I managed to find one with a unique pattern and jumped up into the air high catching it.

I landed back onto the ground and quickly rushed over to Leah who was in her large wolf form, I watched her shift her head towards me letting out these soft growls.

I pressed my free hand into her warm grey fur almost burying my head into the warmth but showed her the snowflake happily.

"Look Leah Bee a snowflake," I whispered feeling her nudge me a few times but her eyes stared at the snowflake before she licked my cheek, making me squeal out feeling the snowflake melt I then hugged Leah tightly stroking her fur happily. Leah would always be my Leah.

She was my favorite person when she walked in the room I was happier than anything, of course, Nessie was very close in second place, but Leah took first place. I felt Leah massage her head against my own but I perked up when I heard mom call out to do.

"Phoebe come here please." I wanted to whine and pressed my hand to Leah's wolf before I then turned around and jogged towards mom, Jacob, and Nessie. She crouched down to my eye level sending me a smile stroking my hair.

"Can you catch me a snowflake please?" She asked me hopeful, I then looked at Jacob's wolf before nodding with a faint smile on his wolf face.

I spun around running towards Nessie's side giggling with her I leaped up at the same time she did catching a few snowflakes.

But I then snapped my head up in confusion when I felt a gaze on me I used my good vision and pinpointed a location of an unknown blonde-haired lady.

I landed back down on the ground running back over to mom fast followed by Nessie.

"Mom who is that?" I questioned hugging her leg feeling her hug me back gently staring in the area.

"I think that's our cousin from Denali." She informed us. I heard Jacob let a loud growl out. I looked to Nessie who stared at me with worry in her eyes but I just moved away from mom when she ran away I hugged Nessie with a smile kissing the top of her head.

"Its okay Nessie," I reassured her seeing her look up at me before a small smile went across her face.

"Phoebe you have the prettiest eyes ever!" I was taken back by her random compliment but then giggled running my hands through her hair.

"Well, you have the prettiest hair ever," I told her happily.

After a while of staying outside and seeing that strange woman, me and Nessie got cold so we finally were able to come back inside. I stayed curled up to Leah's side on the couch wrapped in a warm fluffy blanket. She was so warm! She was like a fire.

I watched Nessie sit at the piano with dad pressing keys every so often. I felt Leah stroking my hair slowly, and I was so relaxed that I accidentally used the last final power I had used ion an accident. I sometimes accidentally broke things if I thought about it.

So looking at the vase on the piano it exploded. I winced watching everyone stared at it quite quickly.

"Oopsie," I muttered shyly my cheeks growing red fast when I saw dad looked at me quickly.

"Phoebe, did you do that?" I shuffled closer to Leah not used to everyone looking at me. I hid my head on her side.

"I didn't mean it dad it happens when I'm happy or relaxed," I muttered shyly feeling Leah tightened her arms around me in a comforting way.

"Wait Leah how many powers does she have? And how long have you not told anyone." Grandpa then called out confused.

"She didn't wanna tell anyone because she was scared, I only know of three, she has the same one as Renesmee, the second one she told me about was this location one where she can pinpoint people's locations, this one is new I haven't seen this one yet Phoebe when did this one happen, it's okay you can tell me?"

I hugged Leah tightly trying to recall. "When I fell down the stairs playing tag with Seth," I answered feeling her stroke my hair much more.

"There's your answer that was last week," Leah spoke. "You guys make her uncomfortable." I heard a small scoff from uncle Emmett.

"We are her family she shouldn't be scared or uncomfortable with us." I perked up a little to see dad giving me a soft look nodding his head.

"She is very tough but to have three gifts at such a young age is impressive." I smiled a little shyly looking up at Leah who then poked my nose.

"Told you." She whispered kissing my forehead making me giggle a little happier. I saw mom stare at me with a soft expression, and she looked to be in thought. I watched Grandpa stared at me from next to Grandma.

"You never have to be afraid to speak up if you are ever confused or just things are happening that you don't understand I'm here Phoebe."

I smiled sweetly at Grandpa who pinched my cheek listening to Renesemee playing the piano all on her own that was until the loud sound of Auntie Alice sending a vase full of flowers crashing down to the floor.

I watched uncle Jasper rush up quick to go by her side "Alice what did you see?" Uncle Jasper asked her worried.

"They are coming for us, Aro, Caius, Marcus... The guard and Irina." I fluttered my eyes a few times.

"Girls come here," Mom called out. I stood up away from Leah going over to mom who wrapped her arms around us both. "What did Irina see in the woods?" Dad ordered to mom staring at her fully.

"We all were just walking. " Mom stammered over her words.

"Phoebe and Ness were catching snowflakes," Jacob called out nodding his head. With Leah nodding her head sitting up in confusion tucking her hair back.

Dad looked in thought before he then scoffed looking up.

"Of course... Irina thinks they are immortal children."

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