Chapter Five

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Phoebe's Pov
My eyes followed the cold pattern of the window, sitting settled in Leah's lap watching the car move.  I blew out some heat from my mouth and started drawing random pictures on the window.

I had a slight clear understanding of what was happening but all mom and dad really said was that we were gonna be meeting a lot more people.

I watched Leah turn her attention to the window her and Jacob talking with one another.  Leah slowly smiled but she then messed with the fog making a small snow man making me giggle quiet.

"You are quite good at drawing sweetie." She pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"So are you." I looked at her cheek making her stare at me before she snuggled me deeply. The car ride felt so long and I felt tired but I snuggled into Leah both of us falling asleep after a while, but the both of us were woken up by mom speaking.

"Alright you two, time to meet some new people." A small yawn left me and I lifted my hand up to rub at my eyes roughly.

"What if they don't like me." Nessie questioned looking at between everyone. I never knew Ness was worried about people not liking her.

"They will, once they understand you." Mom spoke at her.

"They just have never met someone like you and Phoebe." Jacob answered smiling at her. Leah yawned quietly but gently poked at my cheeks.

"Are you worried?" She asked me gently. I shook my head no feeling her fingers running through my hair slowly that was pulled into a ponytail today.

"Not really if people don't like me then well... That's kinda there lost." I giggled at mom's shocked expression Leah then grinned holding her hand out so we could high five.

  "I've taught you well." We giggled with one another.

"Leah." Mom warned out.

"Oh relax Bella, at least I spent time with her." Mom got quiet but she got out of the car fast. Leah lifted me up placing me on her hips Jacob helping Renesmee out. I heard these loud gasp out fast.

"The Volturi will come for us all!" I heard a unknown female voice speak out fast.

"They aren't what they look like." Dad tried to say. "This is a crime! " I watched Leah roll her eyes a bit.

"Vampires." She muttered a little.

"We are strange aren't we Leah?" I asked her with a small giggle.

"You are only half vampire, the other half of human so you don't fall in the category." She pressed a deep kiss to my cheek but I watched dad look back over towards Jacob and all of us.

Leah was a little hesitant but I was being held in front of one the really pretty blonde haired ladies the one who made the electricity from her palms. I squirmed around before I then sent my thoughts into her head.

Hello I really apologize for any trouble me and Nessie have caused

Her eyes grew a little wide but she stared at me "I can hear her heartbeat." She stated out fast.

"They are twins, Bella is their biologic mother, I am their father, you can feel the blood flow." I leaned my head on Leah's neck a bit feeling sleepy again. "I can feel it."

"It's true they were born while I was still human."

"I've never heard of such a thing... The one with the pretty green eyes, she has more then one gift I see." I fluttered my eyes a bit smiling waving my free hand.

"Phoebe has a little more vampire then Renesemee so she grows a tiny bit faster but they are twins." Dad explained out I felt Leah rubbing at my back when more lifting me up more on her hip.

"That's incredible three gifts at such a young age, she can transport her thoughts into people's minds, pin point locations and a small but if telekinesis." I wiggled my nose a bit a little.

"Told you, you were special." Leah muttered to me shifting a bit.

"From your green eyes, to your brown hair, you are very special, but sadly sweetie you still have way more people you have to meet." I found myself frowning So more people are gonna react this way towards me and Neesie.

"Hello Phoebe correct, I'm Kate." She smiled at me holding her hand out for me. I placed my hand in here smiling when she sent a very light electric shock to my fingers tips. It didn't hurt but more like it tingled and created warmth.

I let a small surprised giggling out.

"That's so cool." She chuckled at me a little wiggling her hand around.

"It is sort of cool right? I bet yours are quite amazing too." She smiled at me even more.

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