Chapter One

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*side note Phoebe has a little more vampire in her, so her aging speed is a little faster then Renesmee. She also is smart.

Phoebe's Pov
Everything was so bright. And so pretty! I let a small squeak out kicking my legs trying to tug at the socks a bit around my feet. It was so strange to my mind, but I could hear everything around me. It was always loud. I could hear everyone no matter where they were.

But they weren't speaking loud I could always hear daddy. He was always pacing. I remember yesterday he was yelling a lot, but then I remember that pretty girl. Her eyes were so pretty and I thought that Auntie Alice and Auntie Rosalie were pretty.

But they only held me a few times. Renesmee had gotten her gift and she needed a lot more care then I did for some reason. I scanned my large eyes around a bit and I suddenly smiled when I was lifted up resting in the soft arms of her.

"Hi Phoebe. Oh wow look at how much bigger you've gotten." I blinked a few times before giggling at her seeing her smiling down at me. "Leah it's good to see you. " I looked to see daddy entering the room for once not holding Renesmee in his arms smiling at me.

"Have any of you noticed that she's growing faster then Renesmee?" Daddy looked very confused before he  moved closer and touched my head carefully "I never even noticed." He mumbled quietly.

"Can I see her?" He asked Leah, which she looked a little hesitant but handed me over to daddy who shifted how he held me. I stared into his eyes giggling seeing him smile.

"She looks like me when I was human that's where her green eyes came from, she is growing a little faster then Renesmee." But there were a few things he was saying that he wasn't saying out loud. I could hear them. He suddenly then blinked and stared at me in confusion.

"What is it?" Leah quickly exclaimed when she noticed the surprise look on daddy's face. "I think her gift is reading minds like me." He smiled again placing a kiss on my forehead and I watched Leah slowly come over towards me.

"I want you to know Leah I'm not as upset at you for imprinting on Phoebe. I know you've waited a while to fall in love again, Bella is gonna be waking up soon today, and I don't know how much she remembers, but take care of Phoebe. " Leah blinked her eyes like mad but she carefully took me from daddy holding me closer.

"I've already noticed you guys are neglecting her. I know you guys were only expecting only Renesmee, Edward but Phoebe needs her family just as much." I gripped into Leah's jacket trying to place it in my mouth seeing her glance down at me with a small smile rocking me slowly  in her arms back and forth.

"No one means to do that Leah there's just so much going on, with Jacob also imprinting on Renesmee, they are growing too fast, Phoebe more then Ness, and it's a lot piling on." I leaned into Leah slowly feeling sleepy.

I yawned quietly I shut my eyes, listening to her voice . Beside from daddy it was my very voice, even though when I did spend time with Ness she would always show me the only memory she had of mommy and at times it got annoying.

When I opened my eyes up again I was still in Leah's arms being bounced and talked to my her gently. She also had this smile that I couldn't help but love to see. She spent a lot of time with me. Making silly faces at me.

I looked around the room confused different voices being heard all around most not out loud by Uncle Jasper and uncle Emmett. I watched daddy enter the house and with him was the woman I remember from memory.

I blinked my eyes and lifted my hands up and pressed them on Leah's face trying to see if anyone could understand me. 'Is that mommy Leah.'  I watched her eyes grow wide and she looked down at me in shock, another smile going across her face.

"Did you just send your words into my mind?" She questioned quietly still grinning at me. I released a loud giggle at her seeing Leah was holding me even more closer to her.

She was ignoring everyone around her. She slowly traced my cheek with her finger tips, She looked up looking like she was gonna speak but everyone was to busy showing Renesmee to mommy. Leah forced a small eye roll and gaze down at me sweetly.

"You are gonna be so talented as you grow little bug, and I'm always gonna be by your side." I kept my hands pressed on her face and giggled again quietly. I felt like I could really just focus on her.

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